Definder - what does the word mean?

What is LAVA CAKE?

When you're doing anal and you get shit on your dick but still nut.

I pulled a chocolate lava cake last night on my girl.

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LAVA CAKE - video


LAVA CAKE - what is it?

When an fat African American woman shits on your penis during sexual intercourse.

I heard Colin got a Chili’s Lava Cake last night from the black stripper he took home.

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What does "LAVA CAKE" mean?

When a woman defecates on a man’s face and then continues to sit on his face so he can perform oral sex through the faeces.

As we proceeded to engage in the lava cake snaacpac he realised it was better in theory.

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LAVA CAKE - what does it mean?

A Chocolate Lava Cake is when you motorboat a sassy black woman's ass and she poops a little in your mouth.

I gave that chick a mad Chocolate Lava Cake. It was tangy.

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LAVA CAKE - meaning

(n.) One who defecates inside ones mouth, often times giving the gooey dark chocolaty look when they squeeze feces out of the teeth.

(v.) To defecate in ones mouth

He (v.) lava caked all in her mouth, it looked so delicious.

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LAVA CAKE - definition

Much like prairie dogging but with a more liquid consistency.

The morning after Cinco de Mayo I was lava caking so bad that I had to run to the washroom

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LAVA CAKE - slang

An Island girl's pussy.

Best thing about going to those Tropical vacation spots is getting some lava cake. Mmmmm.

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the sexual act of eating someone’s ass, specifically black dudes while he has chronic diarrhea.

the lava cake was worse than i ever seen, but it still turned me on.

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When calling it a muffin top just doesn't do it justice. A chicks love handles and fat that just fall over the top of her pants flowing like lava.

You see that fat chick over there? She's fully upgraded that muffin top and has now progressed to a full on lava cake.

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1. An amazing dessert made from a milk chocolate dreamy, fluffy cake filled with scrumptious molten lava chocolate filling served with ice cold vanilla ice cream on top and drizzled with chocolate and raspberry sause. A specialty of Glory Days Resturant at the Fox Mill Shopping Center
2. A dessert made specifically for teenage girls
3. Sex
4. Better than Sex
5. Better than blowjobs
6. Perfection

Sarah and Emma eat LAVA CAKE at least twice a week.

Wow! That LAVA CAKE was better than sex!

Holy Mother! LAVA CAKE is better than getting a blowjob!

Wow I'd rather die than live without LAVA CAKE.

You haven't lived until you've had LAVA CAKE.

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