Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Kumquat?

To have sexual intercourse hard.

You wanna kumquat?
Last night I kumquaated amazingly with this chick.

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Kumquat - meme gif

Kumquat meme gif

Kumquat - video


Kumquat - what is it?

older woman who preys on younger men, mutlicolored orange hai.
Normally has their boyfriend superwhipped when they can't hangout with their friends especially that are girls

She's being such a kumquat, he can't hang out with anyone

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What does "Kumquat" mean?

Someone who often makes simple mistakes or misunderstands simple instructions.

No Patrick, mayonnaise is not an instrument ya kumquat.

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Kumquat - what does it mean?

A small, round orange-like fruit that's rather sour. Can eat skin, though. Squeeze out seeds first.
Also can be used to call someone over to you.

Frances comes running

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Kumquat - meaning

A midget that’s addicted to drinking cum

Look it’s a kumquat

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Kumquat - definition

A fruit similar to an orange and lemon combined but pretty small.

Do you think that they will have any kumquats at the store.

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Kumquat - slang

Stupid, but worse.

You kumquat!
She is as stupid as a kumquat.

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A tasty little fruit that looks like a miniature orange. This yummy treat is the result of a horticultural experiment in which a dickweed was crossed with a pussywillow yielding the kumquat.

What is this a miniature orange? No it's a kumquat!

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Used as an insult.

Person 1: Hey there!

Person 2: Shutup you fucking Kumquat.

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Another word for someone who is similar to a Karen. Preferably used on people named Ryan.

Hey did you hear what Ryan said about you?

Omg yeah he's such a kumquat

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