Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Kippies?

Someone being annoying or having an overzealous attitude. Especially when drunk.

Alex: "Dude did you see Peter last night?"
Mike: "Yeah dude to be honest he was being way too kippy."
Alex: "How so?"
Mike: "He started dancing with the owner's cat and then threw up on their new leather couch."

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Kippies - meme gif

Kippies meme gif

Kippies - video


Kippies - what is it?

Another word used for a kitty cat.

"I love my kippy cat!"

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What does "Kippies" mean?

Kippy is a nickname used for guys who are named Kip. It can be a childhood nickname or a name used by a girlfriend or close family.

In elementary school I went by Kippy but my close friends have always known my name is actually Kip.

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Kippies - what does it mean?

Slang used to refer to South Korean people.

Alan: Hey dude! I like listening to this Kippie!
Bob: K-Pop?
Alan: No, a Kippie talking on the streets.

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Kippies - meaning

From a gaudy type of belt, "Kippy Belt" worn by Westies containing an inordinant amount of rhinestones. Used to describe anything that sparkles.

"You've got the most kippy eyes."

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Kippies - definition

Kippy cap (kitty cat)
Best and special cat super special

kippy special cat

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Kippies - slang

A 34 year old male virgin who makes his own virgin merch and sells it to women. He also begs for a kiss on the first date.

“Did you actually beg for a kiss?”
“You fucking Kippy”

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Verb: The act of going out in Berkeley, California to Kip's and Pappy's in a single evening.

1. Bro, you tryna kippy tonight?

2. Oh bro, kippied so hard last night.

3. Friend 1 - Yo, whatchu up to tonight?
Friend 2- I'm kippying, where the fuck are you?

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The best TikToker and he will over pass his cousin

The Kippy is god
The Kippy is better than andy_gub321

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when finn raise his glass he say kippis
kippis is same like cheers

he raises his glass of vodka and say:"kippis!"

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