Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Kaffe?

(noun), origin: South African.
Abbreviation for Kaffir-cake.
a patronising, derogatory term usually used by South Africans in describing black people, its is derogatory, patronizing and is usually expressed while feeling very frustrated and angry at a black persons incompitance.

"sipho you kaff-cake go dig a hole for me"
"lindiwe can run fast cause she's a kaff-cake"

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Kaffe - meme gif

Kaffe meme gif

Kaffe - video


Kaffe - what is it?

a word used as a cattle call towards a female. The female is often attractive but it can be towards a very ugly female. Mostly followed by some other calls such as "Come on girl!"

Guy 1: Dude check out that hottie!
Guy2: S-KAFF!
Guy1: Come one girl!
Girl: Shut up you pigs!

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What does "Kaffe" mean?

peas on kaff !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"oops i mean kaff, kaff, kaff, kaff"
"kaff's stripping in the air"
"kaff's cherry"
"wait, what if he has a thing for big lips?"

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Kaffe - what does it mean?

derogoratory term for a negro

You dirty kaffe

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Kaffe - meaning

goes extremely extremely well with chip

fish and chip, kaff and chip. u see. go well together.

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Kaffe - definition

A term used to describe a senile middle aged irish slag who talks to young boys and knows fuck all about football too and is a glory hunting freak.

Oh Kaff just fuck off will you please

Thats it. Your getting blocked

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Kaffe - slang

Kaff is a girl who obsesses over a celebrity rather then people she knows , she gathers feeling and emotional connections and adores them . she can only imagine herself with a specific person and fails to settle for anyone less . She has a close group of friends and a gorgeous pearly white smile , she wishes she was an only child and hates not being the favourite. She is a big sports fan but fails to support teams that thrive just them she is different. She is a melt

β€œI decorated my room with posters” β€œChrist your such a kaff”

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a, Its a shortcut for Keep Away From Fire.

b, Person who is extremely explosive

c, In a good way: extreemly hot chick.

Kaff your bitch buddy!

Wooow What a kaff chick!

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Shortened from kaffies a polari term for trousers.

'He was wearing zebra print kaffs with pink go faster stripes!!!'

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to quit or die, most commonly used in the past tense as kaffed

There were other
problems with the car - blown frost plug, kaffed distributor

He didn't even get killed by a Croc, he got killed by a stingray. That's pathetic. At least he kaffed doing something he loved.

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