Definder - what does the word mean?

What is June 12?

National Apple Cinnamon Muffin day.

Because I was at the hospital and the nurses took away my Apple Cinnamon muffin once I was finally able to eat because of my nausea, but they thought I had an eating disorder so I was put on a strict eating plan, and just today, June 12, 2021, I got to eat a Apple Cinnamon Muffin after two months of being out of the hospital.

Man 1:Dude, why do you have so many Apple Cinnamon Muffins?
Man 2:Because it’s June 12, national Apple Cinnamon Muffin day.

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June 12 - video

June 12 - what is it?

They say the best boyfriends are born.Super fine when it comes to looks, and have the best hair. Very loyal and makes you smile every time you see them.

June 12- born this day then he is a keeper

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What does "June 12" mean?

That fucking bitch she’s that bitch and that’s it.

Born on June 12 and that’s it

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June 12 - what does it mean?

National pop a tittie day

Person 1: Hey it’s June 12

Person 2: so?
Person 1: so pop a tittie

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June 12 - meaning

National twerk day

On June 12, Wherever you are you have to twerk and you can’t be embarrassed or shy

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June 12 - definition

My kitty named Gilmer's b'day!

Girl: Its June 12
Boy: Yeah, its mt kitty's b'day

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June 12 - slang

If you were born in June 12 then you are one of the baddest bitches and can fight and is also mean

You:my birthday is June 12

Friend:oh so you can fight and your one if the most baddest bitches

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June 12

When a natural born leader, badass girl was born.

Person 1: did you see that girl, she’s gotta be born on June 12.

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June 12

Bitch get rich day

You were born on June 12? Oh get that bag

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June 12

Those born on the 12th of June are amazing, powerful, and will face every challenges thrown at them head-on and'll never back down. They're also loyal, kind, and someone you can talk to when you have problems or simply need someone.

"Hey bro what makes a person strong-willed?"

"Ah that's if they're born on June 12"

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