Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Jew-Jitsu?

The Israeli art of self defense, created for special forces, and used by swat teams and petite woman the world over. also known as Krav-Maga. beats the shit out of BJJ, once you go out of the dojo.

I tried to mug that nerdy girl, she took my gun with her jew-jitsu techniques.

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Jew-Jitsu - meme gif

Jew-Jitsu meme gif

Jew-Jitsu - video


Jew-Jitsu - what is it?

A jew that knows Jujitsu.

He could kick yo ass jew jitsu style!

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What does "Jew-Jitsu" mean?

A jewish martial art.

A thug tried to steal the jewish mans jew gold but ended getting knocked the fuck out by the heebs jew jitsu moves.

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Jew-Jitsu - what does it mean?

When a Jewish person performs martial arts.

Mark: Hey wanna learn how to box with me?
Harry: No, I only practice Jew Jitsu

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Jew-Jitsu - meaning

To fight someone IN COURT.

I beat that boys ass!

Yeah, but now he's gonna throw some Jew Jitsu on you!

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Jew-Jitsu - definition

Jew-Jitsu - Literally the meaning of an ancient and unspeakable evil created by the nefarious Lord Guru in the days of Watanagashi. Learning this ancient art is a combination of will, dedication, and the ability to hold in a six pack of six packs. Its main focus is speed and accuracy, with a strength roll of -15 for every attack, but a bonus of +25 speed and accuracy. Hong-Wing-Jin attempted to open up a center for teaching Jew-Jitsu, but the attempt failed due to accidental...ACCIDENTAL...suicides. Watch out for those who know this art although, because it is harsher than that of a thousand pokes in the matter of .31 biolithy seconds. You have been warned.

Common sightings of Jew-Jitsu masters are extremely skinny, and can range from skin colors yellow to green, with shades of purple. Effective against toddlers, but useless against adults.

Chun: Abraham, you have been a good pupil. Now, we practice the rights of Jew-Jitsu.

Abraham: But, Master! I have not completed the late-night in-the-dark homosexual acts!

Chun: Very well then.

Marine: Hike those pants up soldier, i aint' havin' no jew-jitsu 'round my encampment!

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Jew-Jitsu - slang

sensei ramen is the master of jew jitsu. it is an ancient jewish tradition, that the asians stole 1,000,000,000 years ago

Dude, i think he new jew-jitsu

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A practice similar to that of Jiu-Jitsu but masters of Jew-Jitsu have incredible power, together they are... unstoppable.

In this video, Sensei Mizrachi displays a brief demonstration of the Jew-Jitsu basics - Jew-jitsu warriors (youtube)
Here are some common moves in Jew-Jitsu:
- Shower-Time (where you throw a "gas bomb" containing powder which burns through the enemies' skin
- SS (Strangle + Shiv - you strangle your opponent then shiv their neck)
- Jew-Bomb (where you jump very high into the air and drop down, fist first, to the ground - like the iron fist)

诪谞讛讙 讚讜诪讛 诇讝讛 砖诇 讙'讬讜-讙'讬讟住讜 讗讘诇 讗讚讜谞讬诐 砖诇 讬讛讜讚讬-讙'讬讟住讜 讬砖 讻讜讞 诪讚讛讬诐, 讬讞讚 讛诐 ... 讘诇转讬 谞讬转谉 诇注爪讬专讛.
讘住专讟讜谉 讝讛 诪爪讬讙 住谞住讗讬 诪讝专讞讬 讛讚讙诪讛 拽爪专讛 砖诇 讬住讜讚讜转 讛讬讛讜讚讬诐-讙'讬讟住讜 - Jew-jitsu warriors (youtube)
讛谞讛 讻诪讛 诪讛诇讻讬诐 谞驻讜爪讬诐 讘讙'讬讟住讜 讬讛讜讚讬:
- 讝诪谉 诪拽诇讞转 (砖讘讜 讗转讛 讝讜专拽 "驻爪爪转 讙讝" 讛诪讻讬诇 讗讘拽讛 讗砖专 砖讜专祝 讚专讱 讛注讜专 砖诇 讛讗讜讬讘讬诐
- SS (讞谞拽 + 砖讬讘 - 讗转讛 讞讜谞拽 讗转 讛讬专讬讘 砖诇讱 讜讗讝 诇讛谞讬注 讗转 爪讜讜讗专诐)
- 驻爪爪转 讬讛讜讚讬诐 (砖诐 讗转讛 拽讜驻抓 讙讘讜讛 诪讗讜讚 诇讗讜讜讬专 讜讬讜专讚, 讗讙专讜祝 专讗砖讜谉, 诇拽专拽注 - 讻诪讜 讗讙专讜祝 讛讘专讝诇)

Jew: Theres a new Jew-Jitsu dojo opening around the corner!! Finally we can fight those bullies (nazis) away!!!

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The martial art of avoiding debt

Floyd owes everyone money, but he avoids the topic and make no intention of ever paying anyone back. He must be a 5th degree black belt in the art of Jew-Jitsu

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Ancient martial art Created by Mortichai Weinstein in the ages of Jesus. Ninjews practice this to this day, which is an art form of Grace, coveting, and throwing Ninja Stars-of-David

Man, that Ninjew really kicked their asses. He must study onder the Hebrew Guru.

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