Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Jaack?

The most fricking amazing YouTuber ever. He blogs regularly about anything and everything telling viewers his opinions and ripping the shit out of things that annoy him. Every video his viewers go on "A jaackmaate journey" as he discusses the topic of his choice. The 19 year old boy is extremely honest and is truly fucking hilarious.

Person1: Did you see Jaack Maates new video?
Person2: Yeah, he's a fucking legend.

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Jaack meme gif

Jaack - video


Jaack - what is it?

Verb: To Jaack

Well-known West Mercian slang, deriving from the acclaimed (but unsuccessful on a larger scale) musician Jack Crowther:

To lift and carry a large plastic bin(s), possibly waving it over peoples heads or placing it on tables, in order to clear rubbish in areas deprived of bins.

Also: May be associated with the kicking of upturned bins along the floor

Hey, will you Jaack please

Common mispellings- jack, jaaack, jaaaak, jock
Synonyms- jack crowther, to bring the bin, lazy cleaner
Antonyms- (few in common usage) to put the bin back, to hearle

👍33 👎15