Definder - what does the word mean?


Assholes who have nothing better to do than fuck with the Juggalo Fam.

They are usually White Trash Haters sporting JH on thier clothes.

Honestly, if they hate Juggalos so much why would they use "Juggalo" in thier name?

Fuck Dat Juggalo Holocaust Bullshit

πŸ‘385 πŸ‘Ž675




A group of lifeless trolls who think that they are some superior race above your average man. Most commonly a teenager who got dissed by a Juggalo and was to much of a pussy to do anything about it.

(Juggalo Holocaust Member):(On a computer) "I'll kill any dropout fatass bitch juggahoe i see"

(True Juggalo):"Why dont you say something to my face in real life?"

Nothing gets done at all...

πŸ‘193 πŸ‘Ž237

What does "JUGGALO HOLOCAUST" mean?

dumb punks on the internet trying to scare juggalos

hur hur, look at me! i have no life, kill all juggalos! i'm so mad at life cuz i'm still whacking off in my mom's basement. juggalo holocaust yay!!.

πŸ‘1017 πŸ‘Ž1275

JUGGALO HOLOCAUST - what does it mean?

Proof that Mental Retardation and Eating Paint Chips as a child can no longer hinder members of society in their quest of nonpareil deterioration.
As well as proof that jealousy can still equip the morally inept affiliates of life with the necessary tools to create a movement no matter how redundant or unethical.

In layman's terms ,

J.H. Stands for and represents, The people who during their high school days made fun of or were involved with a group that made fun of juggalos/juggalettes and now years later in life no longer have their group yet still witness the same juggalos/lettes with their members from those days living and loving life all the same, and because of this has nothing but immense amounts of distain for the turn in there own lives and the fact of losing touch with their β€œLife long click”, Therefore feels the need to ruin(or at least attempt to) the lives and everyday fun of current and past Juggalos/Lettes, Yet 95% of the time fall short due do their own inadequacies and unorganized horridly fumbled β€œGang Raids” which leads them back to their online forum β€œLand Of Banned” were they usually spend another 450 hours bitching and moaning about how much they hate Los and Lettes.


A person with no life and nothing better to do then attack ( both physically and mentally) those they are jealous of with in the Juggalo World wishing that they too could one day feel even a thimble of the love Juggalos and Juggalettes possess.

I hate juggalos because they kicked my ass and stole my girl, where can i feel accepted...
Land of the Banned seems cool.

Im gonna go and beat some for fun
...OH SHIT, i just got my ass kicked again, Oh well i can always go back to my pathetic little website and pretend like i just kicked some ass.

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A public service organization dedicated to warning to the general public of the dangers of the Insane Clown Posse, their music and their hapless Juggalo followers.

The Juggalo Holocaust is here to protect you.

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A group of bigoted adults that beat up/rape children and teens whom claim to be associated with Juggalo's/Juggalette and psychopathic records. There are few known cases of a holocaust member that has acted violently towards an adult Juggalo/Juggalette. These people are no better then what they claim they are fighting against. In fact they are worse. At least ICP fans don't beat up little kids.

35 year old Juggalo holocaust member: ew ... look at that little kid wearing and icp shirt lets beat him up.
holocaust member's friend: Dude, leave him alone he is just a little kid besides his juggalo parents are with him and you know they will beat your ass.
35 year old juggalo holocaust member: yeah your right.

πŸ‘73 πŸ‘Ž37


Anti-Juggalo Oligarchy;

Against those who call themselves "juggalos" or "ninjas" normally claiming they are being themselves or individualistic, despite doing everything they are told to do by two high school dropouts in makeup. You will recognize them by the familiar stench of B.O. and stale cigarettes. They are almost literally walking diarrhea people.
Their mission is to highlight juggaloser buffoonery by way of trollz whilst utilizing logic. something they know nothing of.

A juggalo will typically bitch and whine about imaginary "haters" and cause problems in the community regularly. The JH is merely a collective of individuals who have taken notice of the juggalo gang and choose to fight it-- by LAUGHING at them.

This has proven to be quite effective, as it takes virtually no effort to expose the idiocy of the juggalo gang since they pretty much incriminate themselves. Hopefully this will make them realize their gang isn't taken seriously and society has taken note of their hebetude.
But if it doesn't, in the end we all still have something to laugh at.

Clowns are MEANT to be laughed at.

The Juggalo Holocaust is a fool catcher-- and the juggafools fell for it!

πŸ‘133 πŸ‘Ž81


The Saving of the American Person.
Juggalo's claim to not be a gang but they never fight their own battles so they get their juggalo "homies" to fight for them.

The Juggalo Holocaust is a good thing its people grouping up and taking out the groups of juggalos.


"man mcl f**k haters juggablow for life" -juggalo
"F**k that! JUGGALO HOLOCAUST!" -savior
"Icp rules im a juggalo" -Little dirty kid with no friends
"well the juggalo holocaust is here" -savior
"thats not real" little dirty kid again
"how do you think your brother died?" -savior
"tumor!" - dirty kid
"nah it was this" -savior
*takes the kid out*

πŸ‘1459 πŸ‘Ž1107


The juggalo holocaust has sparked much interest in the Juggalo/Juggalette family. So far, 20-25 juggalos have been shot and killed whereas 6 juggalettes have been raped. Rumor has it that this "Juggalo Holocaust" started in Beerfest '04. The attackers are said to wear the initials 'JH' on their shoes, shirts, and some even had bandanas. Any juggalo or juggalette that spots someone with these intials need to stay in large groups and in very lit areas. Be aware of everyone and stay down with the clown. Dont let these idiots stop us.

"Down With The Clown Till I'm Dead In The Ground!"
"NO Juggalo Holocaust can stop us."

πŸ‘1735 πŸ‘Ž1187


The hope for our future.

The Juggalo Holocaust may save our country from a future of stupidity and obesity.

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