Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Down With The Clown?

To be ready or available for a proposed activity.

Q: do you want to go to that party?
A: I'm down like a clown in circus town!

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Down With The Clown - video


Down With The Clown - what is it?

When a person is willing to engage in promiscuous and/or after hours activities with you.

β€œDid you say hey to Sara while you were at the bar?” β€œYeah we hung out all night and she was all over, she’s totally down to clown.”

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What does "Down With The Clown" mean?

To be willing/able to drink a lot and goof off. It could also mean just being really game to do something...anything.

You down to clown tonight, brah?

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Down With The Clown - what does it mean?

This phrase, also said as "DTC" is used when accepting to attend a plan or to commit to doing something.

Jackson: Hey, You want to hit up a party later?
Henry: Yeah man, I'm down to clown.

George: Could you help me move this log?
Henry: Yeah man, I'm DTC.

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Down With The Clown - meaning

To engage in shenanigans, allowing all inhibitions to be released into one glorious act of tomfoolery.

- Did you see the hott piece last night?
- Yeah, she was totally Down to Clown!

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Down With The Clown - definition

A phrase meant to convey your willingness to participate in something; A way of saying "yes," that expresses genuine excitement and/or happiness.

So, Talisa...Would you like to knock some boots?
Sure, George, I'm 'down to clown!'

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Down With The Clown - slang

Denotes a keenness or willingness to participate, in reference to a suggestion. It is generally said with contextually embellished excitement, and emphasis on the rhyming factor of the phrase.

This phrase draws its origins from the Pierrot, or 'sad clown'.

I'm down like a clown's frown!!!

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Down With The Clown

same as down (with it) just sounds better!

You down with that bro?

Yea Down like a clown Charlie brown

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Down With The Clown

u will fuck up any bitch that says they like eminem

i love eminem....wut fuck u up get down with the clown

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Down With The Clown

An over used, yet quite telling statement.

A Juggalette, Juggalo or Fan of any of the Psychopathic records boys, use this phrase to show thier undying loyalty to thier fello Lo's & Lettes and The Dark Carnival

We dont care what you think because with so many people down with the clown, who else can say they are in a 5 million strong family?

ill be down with the clown till im in the ground

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