Definder - what does the word mean?

What is JEW BAG?

A person that has past the douchebaggery stage of being a 'jew' and has now reached the jewbag stage.

A person who is so full of jewishness that they may aswell just be a jew bag full of jew.

You fuckin' Jew Bag

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JEW BAG - video


JEW BAG - what is it?

It's like a Douche Bag, but Cheaper

Dustin's such a Jew Bag; he won a camera and then turned around and sold it to his work.

👍91 👎157

What does "JEW BAG" mean?

A person who acts so Jewish, you want to put him in a bag and drown him.

God, don't be such a jew-bag.

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JEW BAG - what does it mean?

a bag similar to a potatoe bag that hitler used to carry jews around.

get me my fuckin jew bag. there are some jews at the mall!

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JEW BAG - meaning

Jew bag- a jewish person.

"raise up outa here you jew bag."

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JEW BAG - definition

A person who is acting in a greedy fashion.

Stop being a "Jew Bag", you big nose mother fucker

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JEW BAG - slang

The bag of gold ALL jews wear around their neck.

Non-Jew "Give me your jew bag!"
Jew "What are you talking about?"
Non-Jew "You know what I am talking about! Give it now!"
Jew "No!"
Non-Jew *pulls out gun* "Give it now or I'll have to wash the blood off!"

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an insult sometimes meant for sum1 of the jewish faith but also used to insult other people

guy1: dude ur a homo

guy2: shut up jewbag

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A velvet bag that holds Jewish items for prayer like a yarmulke (skull cap), tallis (prayer shawl), etc.

Your jew bag holds alot of stuff.

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A praise given to a Jew after he/she does something awesome,holy, or sacred.

Ben you are a Jew Bag! Here, let me buy you Night Owl Cookies tonight:)

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