Definder - what does the word mean?

What is JALISCO?

The white pasty crap attached to unusually hairy pussy lips. (Aptly named after the famed Mexican cheese that people died from after eating said tainted queso in the 1980's)

I gagged on some Jalisco Lip Cheese last night while diving.

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JALISCO - meme gif

JALISCO meme gif

JALISCO - video


JALISCO - what is it?

When you pour one jarritos fruit punch (12.5 fl oz) in a women's anus, followed by a pack of sour patch kids, a pack of gummy worms, a pack of gummy bears, 1/2 a cup of diced strawberries, 1/2 a cup of blueberries, 3 shots of tequila, 2 shots of vodka, then mix the concoction by means of the women twerking. Immediately stick a straw in the women's rectum and drink a large quantity of the concoction as fast as possible. The remaining contents in the women rectum will be oozed on the partner's face and mouth as described in the original jalisco fruit punch.

Dam my Boi Mimi's ass is so fat I want to give her the jalisco fruit punch cocktail, no cap!!!

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What does "JALISCO" mean?

When you pour a Fruit Punch Jarritos (HAS TO BE fruit punch) into a person’s anus or rectum, let it marinate, then have them squat over your face and have the mixture of marinated Jarritos and anal fluids ooze onto your face and mouth

Dam my boi she is so fine that I want to give her the ole Jalisco Fruit Punch.

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JALISCO - what does it mean?

Jalisco Mexico - is located in western Mexico and is bordered by 6 states, which

are Nayarit northwest, Zacatecas north east, Aguascalientes north east, Guanajuato east, MichoacΓ‘n south east, and Colima south.

its capital and largest city is Guadalajara.
Jalisco is made up of a many terrain forests, beaches, plains, & lakes.Most of the state has a temperate climate with Tropical humid summers. There is a distinct rainy season from June to October.

Jalisco is known for mariachi, ranchera music, birria, tequila, jaripeo, etc., hence the state's motto: "Jalisco es MΓ©xico".

Foods which include

Birria broth is 1 of the most popular Mexican foods in Jalisco. It consists of meat goat,pork,beef,lamb,chicken

Any can be used,submerged in abundant sauce, with typical side dishes of the state.

Sliced Cactus are also cooked or eaten raw here and other parts of mexico.

Tortas ahogadas , bread stuffed with carnitas, onion, beans, & lemon bathed in the hottest chili.

Jericalla - milk, eggs, vanilla, cinnamon, and sugar , mexican Nuns created this dish for orphan kids.

Pozole Jalisciens / Pozole Jalisciense
(Look it up ya self that's what google

Is for) .

Pregnant Shrimp - served as a snack and comes on a skewer. The marinade includes orange juice, pasilla chili, and tomato. After marinating them, you can put them on the grill or bbq, They are perfect to have with a beer on a very hot day.

Tequila which needs no introduction.

Jalisco Mexico

Jalisco es MΓ©xico
(English: "Jalisco is Mexico")

The name is derived from the Nahuatl Xalisco, which means "over a sandy surface". Until about 1836, the name was spelled "Xalisco," with the "x" used to indicate the "sh" sound from Nahuatl Language.

The state is home to two significant indigenous populations, the Huichols & the Nahuas

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JALISCO - meaning

the part of Mexico where they all white

hello american, no im Mexican from jalisco

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JALISCO - definition

A fool who has become a laughing stock amongst his peers because of his personal life

When Captain Cuck realized that he was the catalyst of awkward sideglances, muffled snickers and subtle cajoling, realized much to his chagrin the he would now and forever be
THE JALISCO, as a single tear rolled down his cheek.

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JALISCO - slang

A state in Mexico, capital is Guadalajara. Considered to be the birthplace of Mariachi, tequila, and La Charreada.

What state are you from?


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State in western part of mexico, known for their Mariachi's

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