Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Itsfunneh?

THE BEST PERSON ON THE INTERNET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That guy is almost as great as ItsFunneh!

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Itsfunneh - meme gif

Itsfunneh meme gif

Itsfunneh - video


Itsfunneh - what is it?

youtuber girl that plays with her friends

she plays Minecraft and roblox

I watched itsfunneh

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What does "Itsfunneh" mean?

Youtuber. Born on October 31. She has four siblings, they are five people in total, name themselves "KREW", and itsfunneh can be considered the "leader" of them. They are also probably one of the many people who aren't stuck in drama or accusations.

Person1: I hate itsfunneh!
Person2: Go get a life instead of hating on someone who did nothing wrong.

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Itsfunneh - what does it mean?

Funneh Is A Famous Canadian YouTuber That Plays Mainly Roblox And Minecraft. But Also Plays Other Varieties Of Games (Such As: Human Fall Flat, And Golf It). She Has YouTuber Friends (Or What Fans Thought Was) Named Draco, Gold, Rainbow And Lunar, And Was Named The Krew Altogether. But Later In Funneh’s History Fans Found Out That They Are All Brothers And Sisters. She Has 3 Million Subscribers And Has Been Nominated In The Shorty Awards Nad 2 Bloxy Awards (Bloxy Awards Is A Award Show That Is Presented To Robloxians Every Year) She Won 1 Out Of Bothe Of Them. She Recently Picked Up Doing Challenges. She Livestreams Every Week On Friday Called β€œFunneh Fridays”. She Is Most Recognized For Being A Humerus And Kid Friendly Channel. She Was Invited To Vidcon And Started Vlogging. She Is A Worldwide Hit On YouTube, And Is Expected To Be Still YouTubers In The Next Few Years.

I just discovered a YouTuber called ItsFunneh!

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Itsfunneh - meaning

An awesome, popular youtuber who plays a variety of fun games with over 3 million subscribers

Did you watch itsfunneh last night?

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Itsfunneh - definition

ItsFunneh is a popular youtuber (which real name is Kat) that plays Minecraft and also Roblox. ItsFunneh has 3 sisters, which are GoldenGlare/Kim, PaintingRainbows/Betty, and LunarEclispe/Wenny. Her brother is called DraconiteDragon/Allen. About two years ago, she made popular series on her channel, which is Yandere High School. You HAVE to watch it; when you start you might never stop! Some achievements she has had are Best Twitter Channel, and the other was Best Video Channel. Funneh was nominated for a Shorty Award in Gaming and two Bloxy awards. She was also in Youtube Rewind 2018. (although Youtube Rewind 2018 was one heck of an epic fail) Funneh was born on October 31st 1995, so when its Halloween, don't forget to say "Happy Birthday" to her!

ItsFunneh is such a cool youtuber, I want to be just like her!

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Itsfunneh - slang

ItsFunneh (real name Kat) born October 31st 1995 is a Minecraft and Roblox youtuber. She plays games with her siblings and they are known as the Krew. Her sisters are gamers GoldenGlare, PaintingRainbows and LunarEclispe. Her brother is gamer DraconiteDragon. A popular series on her channel is Yandere High School. She was nominated for a Shorty Award in Gaming. She also was nominated for two Bloxy awards. One was Best Twitter Channel which she won. The other was Best Video Channel.

Friend 2: What's "Funneh Friday"?
Friend 1: It's when ItsFunneh livestreams.

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A amazing and lovely person thats very funny

And has a youtube channel

Itsfunneh is so cool

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One of the few childhood youtubers who arent problematic.
Posts gaming (many games), vlogs, mukbang, cooking
Also has probably the most unproblematic fanbase deal with it

child: itsfunneh is the best!
Mother: i raised those child real well.

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A tipe of youtuber that plays....

Minecraft and Roblox

And I personally think she is the best

Go subscribe to itsfunneh

"hey I've recently found someone called itsfunneh u should check them out"

"Really do you think I will like her for sure she sounds really dumb"

1 day later

Omg I love her omg she just uploaded bye I'm gonna watch it now I won't be in touch with you for 2days cuz I'm watching the yandere high school season 1 and 2 in it it's soooooo interesting I love it ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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