Definder - what does the word mean?

What is It just WORKS?

When you are a mindless follower of orders given by your boss/supervisor. Just a follower of your boss/superviser and do not think for yourself.

My boss gave me instructions and followed them "I'm just a tool working for the man."

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It just WORKS - video


It just WORKS - what is it?

Slang. It’s what you say if you don’t want to work when you’re at your job.

Hey. Excuse me. Hi can I help you? Yes I’m looking for aisle 8. Idk I just work here.

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What does "It just WORKS" mean?

Something you tell someone to confuse them or annoy them.

Karen: "You're being disrespectful. You need to learn some manners😠"

You:"....idk I just work here😐"
Karen:"....what do you mean you just work here???😑"

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It just WORKS - what does it mean?

it just works

- xForts or someone like him

How does kc work?

king crimson, It just works

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It just WORKS - meaning

Phrase used when something promised to "just work" doesn't work at all.

Generic GNU/Linux user describing Windows: "All of it just works."

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It just WORKS - definition

What a Sales Engineer says when he/she assumes a solution to solve a highly complex problem will actually work. The solution always ends up working when these words are uttered during a customer call.

Customer: Are you sure this derived credential solution that has never been tested in production will actually work with our use case?
Sales Engineer: It should just work.

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It just WORKS - slang

Like DaVinci's "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication", when software does very complex things with very simple and intuitive human interaction in a reliable way. I first heard "It Just Works" used regularly within Apple by Peter Hoddie and Ian Ritchie of the QuickTime team in January 1993. Later, Steve Jobs and others started using it, probably because Peter and his team had presented QuickTime and used that phrase.

When you want to show a video, you double-click and it just works.

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It just WORKS

When you don't need to explain how or why something works, it just does.

Made famous by the infamous Todd Howard.

"All of it just works, It just works!"

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It just WORKS

"It Just Works" is a phrase used to describe something that's inner workings don't make sense.

For example, the antagonist's stand of JoJo's Bizzare Adventure: Golden Wind, King Crimson has the ability to erase time. What does that mean? No clue, cause it just works.

King Crimson: I erased time, and leapt past it!
You: Wait, how does that work? What?
King Crimson: It just works.

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It just WORKS

It just works is a meme so to say, it is used when something makes absolutely no sense it was created to explain a ability in a mangaka then adapted by Todd Howard when explaining Fallout 4 Settlement mode

"Man did you see King Crimson's ability it just works man"
"This feature, it just works" Todd Howard

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