Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Indomie?

*not the instant noodle one*


"lo indomy, ya?"
"iya dong, gue emang keren banget."

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Indomie - meme gif

Indomie meme gif

Indomie - video


Indomie - what is it?

The best brand of Instant noodles in African countries.

I will only chop the original Indomie

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What does "Indomie" mean?

Bahasa Indomie (Indomie noodle language) is the slang for language of Thai for Indonesians

Ploy : ΰΈ„ΰΈΈΰΈ“ΰΈžΰΈΉΰΈ”ΰΈ ΰΈ²ΰΈ©ΰΈ²ΰΉ„ΰΈ—ΰΈ’ΰΉ„ΰΈ«ΰΈ‘
Andre : Oh, you meant Bahasa Indomie?

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Indomie - what does it mean?

ramen, or just indomi

ka indomi t krd awy zor temaka ;)

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Indomie - meaning

A person who is always prepared to do whatever needs to be done.

The boss said, " I like indomie".

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Indomie - definition

An expert with perfect marketing skills.

Donald Trump said, " I'd like to have an Indomie as my apprentice!"

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Indomie - slang

A type of food most Africans eat when their mum has not cooked proper food (ie. jollof rice, Banku or Eba.)

β€œMum is there food”
β€œNo go and eat Indomie”

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A very addictive drug in form of sodium brick packed with MSG. Consumed by adults and children aged from 5 years old. Regular use could increase the risk of cancer.

I eat Indomie everyday it's so damn good

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A type of food most Africans eat when their mum has not cooked any food or there is none at home

β€œMum is there food”
β€œNo go and eat Indomie”

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The brand of Instant Noodles from Indonesia.

"Indomie Indomie seleerakuu..." - TV Ads.

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