Definder - what does the word mean?

What is In The Bedroom?

A genre DIY indie music, bedroom pop is characterized by its lo-fi quality and often contemplative lyrics. Bedroom pop share elements with other indie genres including shoegaze, dream pop, jangle pop, and emo. Guitars and vocals often feature heavy use of reverb or delay.

I just released my new bedroom pop EP on Bandcamp.

👍545 👎21

In The Bedroom - video


In The Bedroom - what is it?

Bedrooms, a dedicated member of the Discord server, has faced an interesting paradox in the world of TOA raids. Despite their consistent dedication and countless hours spent battling formidable foes, Bedrooms has had the curious fate of receiving mostly bottom-tier loot from these challenging encounters. It's almost become a running gag in the community as Bedrooms' friends affectionately jest about their unyielding encounter with the most lackluster rewards. However, what truly sets Bedrooms apart isn't just their luck in the virtual world, but also their remarkable real-world attributes.

In addition to their virtual adventures, Bedrooms is well-known for being incredibly fit and exceptionally good-looking. Their physical prowess and good looks have become legendary within the Discord community, sparking admiration and occasional playful envy from fellow members. This intriguing combination of virtual misfortune and real-world allure makes Bedrooms a unique and memorable character in the community, proving that sometimes, even in the world of gaming, life's quirks can bring unexpected charm and character to a person's online persona.

If you're going on a raid and want good items, do not go with bedrooms.

👍39 👎33

What does "In The Bedroom" mean?

a bedroom is a room in a house or hotel its a room were you can sleep,change,have a personal chat and have sexual things happen. normaly bedrooms have windows and passage ways, in the house to it.such as,hallways,stairs,somone elses room and a tunnel sometimes.

I will go to my bedroom to fall asleep.

👍37 👎25

In The Bedroom - what does it mean?

The 2nd phase after coming out. When you have come out to people but not quite everyone you know.

Jenn is out of the closet but she is still in the bedroom

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In The Bedroom - meaning

When you enter someone's bedroom with the opposite sex and start having fun or having sex

Hey where'd they go

Bro they jus went in the bedroom

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In The Bedroom - definition

what you say after a sentence or an add on to ''thats what she said!''

"I had a great time last night!"
"thats what she said!"
"In the bedroom!"


👍57 👎25

In The Bedroom - slang

The romp room. ;-)

Hey Janet, let's go to the bedroom!

👍343 👎161

In The Bedroom

The room in your house where you sleep and keep your clothes. Bedrooms usually have a closet in them.

I need to go check my bedroom to make sure everything is still there.

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In The Bedroom

a phrase you say after reading your fortune cookie out loud.

Mom: Honey what does your fortune cookie say?
Jimmy: "Your future looks bright and prosperous... in the bedroom"
Mom: We are never coming to this Chinese restaurant again!!! Thats terrible!!!!

👍239 👎47

In The Bedroom

My favourite place in the house

Someone: Get out of your bedroom
Me: no

👍45 👎11