Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Huff And Puff?

"Huffing and puffing" refers to smoking a metric fuckton a weed and eating cheese-puffs before passing out.

"Well," said the wolf, "then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll fall asleep on the couch.
"What do you mean you had a Huff and Puff night ?"

"I don't really remember, all I know is that I smoked like an oil-rig chimney and that in the morning my fingers were greasy as shit"

"Got any plans for tonight ?"

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Huff And Puff - video


Huff And Puff - what is it?

Noun: Word to describe a person in a bad mood. Variations on this include 'Huff Puff the Magic Dragon' and 'Huff Puff Daddy'

Adjective: Word to describe a bad mood. This can be a general mood or a mood caused by someone's actions which becomes a form of passive aggression.

"She's such a huff puff (the magic dragon)"
"Someone's in a huff puff today!"
"She's gone in a huff puff with us again"

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What does "Huff And Puff" mean?

A variant of going for a shunt and a grunt. Arguably less obnoxious, but more of a toolish way of saying it.

Hey guys, Tom just said he's going for a huff and a puff. I think he meant to say shunt and a grunt!

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Huff And Puff - what does it mean?

Someone that gets all aggravated and mad about something mundane. Almost comical

He came in all huff n puff about being stood up.

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Huff And Puff - meaning

To smoke a cigarette

I'm going to huff a puff; be right back.

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Huff And Puff - definition

The act of sucking a fart out of your partners ass and blowing it in their face

Douglass P. likes to give his girlfriend the Huff and Puff

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