Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Hotdog Water?


I should not have had those 8 tacos last night. I woke up with a toilet full of hotdog water

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Hotdog Water - video


Hotdog Water - what is it?

your friend casey smells like it

β€œyo, casey. you smell like hotdog water man.”
β€œthat’s why your girlfriend looks like my mom.”

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What does "Hotdog Water" mean?

water leftover in the pot after boiling hotdogs.

Hey! Dump that hotdog water down the sink!

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Hotdog Water - what does it mean?

Bullshit distillate THC with either no terpenes or "natural" terpenes not derived from cannabis, processed from the worst material known to man.

No thank you, I don't hit vape pens with hotdog water.

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Hotdog Water - meaning

Some know it as the juice left over after you get done boiling hot dogs, others know it as poor mans gravy, but either way, it can be a great additive to many things.

These potatoes are off the chain, how did you make them?

Just mashed up some potatoes and used hotdog water for gravy.

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Hotdog Water - definition

When a male gets aroused to the point of leaking pre-ejaculate.

β€œMan, those pics she hit me with earlier straight made my hotdog water.”

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Hotdog Water - slang

Smell of water left over after boiling hotdogs.

"Easy Shaggy, I don't think Hotdog Water actually has hotdogs, she just smells like hotdog water because when someone doesn't wash after gym and they wear gingham or wool, like hotdog water, there's a chemical reaction from the bacteria that can smell like, well, like hotdogs!" - Fred Jones

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Hotdog Water

The juices secreted when you’re soaking (the act of marinating ones flesh wiener in a vagina without movement)

man she never lets me drink the hotdog water!

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Hotdog Water

Water that smells like butt cheeks on a stick. If you smell like it people will run away from you. If you drink hotdog water rinse your mouth out with Lysol and clorox don’t get near it or you will have no friends

Dang that girl has breath like hotdog water let’s run

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Hotdog Water

you use this word to insult someone online but also make them confused abt what they have just been called. THhis leaves them in a situation to where they dont know if they should be mad at you or laughing at you for using that word

Kaelynn Weber: hey nick you smell like hotdog water
NIck: should i be mad or haooy you just called me that

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