Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Horsed?

Slang term for a man with an extraordinarily large penis.

"I'd rather have a one-inch willy than be a horse; I wouldn't be able to wear skinny jeans"
"Have you seen John' dick? He's a horse!"
"There's an advert on this website that says it can triple your penis size - imagine being a horse!"

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Horsed - meme gif

Horsed meme gif

Horsed - video


Horsed - what is it?

pl. Horsin' it, or Horsing it.

To over-do.
To rush.
To try too hard.
Quick to and end.

Don't drive so fast, you're horsin it.

I know you like her, but don't horse it, she needs space.

Look at that hyper-ass cat...horsin it man, horsin it!

Bush is horsin the war.

Don't horse the brake, I'll spill my coke.

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What does "Horsed" mean?

You're best friend, the only one that understands you when no one else does. They can be the most caring animal out there, and always know how you feel.

Dude, you feelin bad? Go tell a horse about it!

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Horsed - what does it mean?


shit boy, u were horsed yesterday night!

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Horsed - meaning

A four legged creature that a lot of people think they know about. The horses are intelligent animals that are scared easily without proper training, leading to several people getting bucked off and embarassed. To control these beasts a lot of people think using harsh equipment is okay when infact they don't understand their horse, leading the horse to be unhappy and dangerous. A good trainer to instruct horseback riding is a rare find and a horse owner who doesn't train their horse properly is quite common. Horses are expensive animals and quite large, do research if you're considering buying one for yourself.

I'm going to ride my horse.

Horses like to neigh.

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Horsed - definition


Horse: “Neigh neigh motherfucker.”

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Horsed - slang

A large animal that will eat your money, but you will still love them! Ridden by an equestrian

My aunt Mary got trampled by my horse

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Horse is a slang term for heroin.

Man, I was riding that horse last night.

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A Scottish term for a lengthy, rampant session of charged sexual intercourse often fuelled by alcohol. Can frequently involve accidental injury to oneself or the other party as a result of drunken miss-coordination. Frequently culminates in the male becoming flaccid and frustrated before falling asleep.

Alright love, how's about we get you home and have you 'Horsed'?

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You take too much Kent, you feel like a horse

"I need to taste something to feel human, I feel horsed"

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