Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Hobnob's?

To suck dick, give a blowjob

Laura hobnobbed me until I came in her mouth.

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Hobnob's - what is it?

A sexual practice where by a male makes a hole in a buscuit (usually a hobnob) inserts his penis through the hole and proceeds to have sex with a partner, causing the buscuit to crumble; both partners then eat the crumbs of biscuit off the others genitals.

Darling I'm feeling hungry and horny fancy a spot of hobnobbing?

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What does "Hobnob's" mean?

Like a Hobgoblin is a part-goblin, the word hobnob can be used as a noun to describe someone who is a bit of a knob. It is a playful term as it is not as bad as being a full knob.

Can also be spelt as hobknob.

"Mate, you're a bit of a hobnob."

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Hobnob's - what does it mean?

Another word for tea bagging when you consider how often do you re-dunk a tea bag compared to a biscuit, specially a hobnob.

That's called a Hobnob then

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Hobnob's - meaning

The cunning art of nudging one person with your 'piece' while mouthing the phrase "huh huh huh"

Eamon surprised Rachel with a swift hobnob from behind

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Hobnob's - definition

An unusually girthy Penis, with a flat bell, of an oaty nature.

I could barely fit it in my mouth he had such a large hobnob.

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Hobnob's - slang

when a married woman goes out with an attractive girl friend to a bar or spa party, so she can get her friend to hook her up with a quickie

my wife got hobnobbed at that house party last night

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To dip your penis into a friend's drink when visiting the toilet in a bar

Chas went to the toilet so I hobnobbed his pint of lager

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To hobnob means to chat and share a laugh and a drink in the presence of other people at a function or party.

I do love hobnobbing at all those various hobnob do's that I do go too.


Quit yo hobnobbing beeatch before I bitchslap you round the face!!

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hobnob v 1. to mingle, usually with the upper class of society.

The verb hobnob originally meant β€œto drink together” and occurred as a varying phrase, hob or nob, hob-a-nob, or hob and nob, the first of which is recorded in 1763.

"After the opera, we hobnobbed with the foreign heads-of-state."

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