Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Hiw?

To heal even if you don't know how to

"Levi: Jake hiw
Jake: I don't know how to"

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Hiw - meme gif

Hiw meme gif

Hiw - video


Hiw - what is it?

Fizzan levi jake are all bellends

Oh man they’re playing Fortnite, they must be a Hiws

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What does "Hiw" mean?

A misspelling of the word 'how;' often due to the I and O keys being adjacent on the standard keyboard.

Tom: hiw was yuor day today?
Mary: Get some keyboarding skills you bum.

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Hiw - what does it mean?

Hiw de fuck did me end up doing smdis

Hiw day fetus be made dude

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