Definder - what does the word mean?

What is High and low?

A riderless, fork lift type divice, used to move palletized product vertically.

Anslom: "What has happened?"
Bob: "The Drunk hit Meg with the High Low!"

👍29 👎37

High and low - video


High and low - what is it?

starting on the outside of a turn and making your way in

When you enter a turn you must buck'er' high hit'er' low. start on the outside and work your way in.

👍27 👎19

What does "High and low" mean?

when person 1 has any type of projectile (snowball, football, marble, etc.)and person 2 has a second projectile. The team then picks a victim. person 1 throws projectile 1 high into the air. while victim 1 watches projectile 1 in the air, person 2 throws projectile 2 directly at victim 1 while he/she isn't looking.

yo, when maggie walks out of the gym, we're gonna high/low her with snowballs

👍29 👎17

High and low - what does it mean?

While spitroasting a lady the two gentleman give first a high five (see eiffel tower) and then a low five beneath the aforementioned lady.

never high-five-low-five a pregnant chick

👍27 👎13

High and low - meaning

A tree-hugging hippie. So called after hylozoism — the belief that trees have souls.

Hey look over there! Bellingham's full of high-lows!

👍31 👎13

High and low - definition

A tackle in football where the player with the ball is hit by two defensive tacklers, one hits the chest or higher while the other hits him in the knees or lower from the opposite side. usually results in excruciating pain or injury.

right when the reciever caught the ball he was High Lowed by the corner back and linebacker. he was unable to walk off the field.

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High and low - slang


1. A high quality, efficient way to do something, performed with exceptional speed, but still simple and streamlined.

e.g "Let me draw you a high-speed, low-drag picture of America... not to scale."

👍103 👎37

High and low

No extra fluff or "baggage" that is irrelevant to the person, product, or idea being described. Basically, "very efficient" or "lean and mean".

"De Niro's crew in HEAT was high speed, low drag!"
"Company XYZ process is high speed, low drag..."

👍373 👎95

High and low

Used to describe the act done by a man who stacks two girls in a threesome. He starts by going high then low. He fucks the one on top (usually the prettiest goes on top) then the one on the bottom.

When Charlie Sheen has a threesome he stacks and fucks the girls (probably sluts) by *going high then low*.

👍29 👎17

High and low

A High and Low is the act of performing both Surprise! Butt Secks and Surprise! Skull Fuck on a person simultaneously.

Navy and I totally pulled a High and Low on that Klingon dude.

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