Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Hibernate?

to breathe peacefully safe in the knowledge of the beautiful unknown

Tru: "I miss the times when i could hibernate in your room without disturbance."

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Hibernate - meme gif

Hibernate meme gif

Hibernate - video


Hibernate - what is it?

A) antiquated definition: what animals do in order to survive winter

B) modern definition: to hook up with a winter fuckbuddy on Craigslist.

C) very offensive: what people suffering from seasonal mood disorder should do.

I so need to hibernate definition b) this winter.

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What does "Hibernate" mean?

When bears go night night

Bear: ima go to hibernation See ya

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Hibernate - what does it mean?

when a huge bear like human sleeps for 19 consecutive hours

when gabe hibernates its like he's in a coma

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Hibernate - meaning

A person who sleeps a lot without any proper sleep cycle.

Tom is a hibernator, who sleeps so much?

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Hibernate - definition

A severe case of marination. To sit idle for hours upon hours in a chill or relaxed state.

After having 3 exams I go into hibernation mode which may include doing absolutely nothing.

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Hibernate - slang

When your laptop decides to turn off because it's "battery is low." Usually followed by a yell, a scream, or some profanity.

Haha, this video is hilarious! What, laptop, you're hibernating?! AAARGH! Shit, damn!

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To disappear off the radar socially. Usually this happens after extended period of partying so a downtime is required to recover.

"Have you seen Maria lately? I haven't heard from her since that party two weeks ago."

"No, I haven't. She must have gone into hibernation."

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A friendly word used to signify when one gets beat, most commonly in a game.

Guy A: "How many points did you get?"
Guy B: "15!"
Guy A: "I only got 3!"
Guy C: "Man, you just got HIBERNATED!"


**Guy A walks by**
**Guy B extends hand**
Guy B: "Gimme five!"
**Guy A keeps on walking**
Guy C: " hibernation, right there."


Guy A: "It's Friday."
Guy B: "No, it's Saturday."
Guy A: "Friday."
Guy B: "Saturday."
Guy A: "Friday!"
**Guy C walks up**
Guy C: "Hey, it's Saturday."
Guy D: "Dude, you just got hi-ber-NATED!"


Guy A: "You up to a game of Marbles?"
Guy B: "Ha ha, you know I'm going to hibernate you, right?"

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A computer feature that many people do not use, which allows the computer to to shut down while playing music, games videos, browsing, and running antivirus scans all at the same time. When the computer turns on again, all tasks resume at where they were as if nothing happened.

Despite how awesome that is, most people still close down all their programs and shut down, only to have to start them up again when rebooting.

The idea behind it is simple. Take pretty much everything on the RAM and copy it to C:\hiberfil.sys, which is read again when the system resumes.

Fred was Photoshopping, video editing, chatting, browsing, playing Crysis, writing music, and working in 3D Studio Max on his laptop, but he had to pack up and go to work so he simply saved all his work and hibernated the system.

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