Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Helly?

Another form of "hella". Excessively; very.

Dude, that clown was helly fresh.

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Helly - meme gif

Helly meme gif

Helly - video


Helly - what is it?

A really funny person, but if you dont them then you dont take the time to get to know them. They are the person everybody secretly wants to be.

I know shes so cool, shes a Hellie!!!

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What does "Helly" mean?

helly is the word to sum up the perfect girl. she is gorgeous. she is most likely brunette and she loves to watch movies. she likes who respects and is a true friend to her. she really is the perfect girl and will never give up on you. even tho sometimes she may joke and put u down, she will always being you back up because she is just overall fun. helly is the type of girl every guy wants.

She is so helly, i wish i were her.

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Helly - what does it mean?

Something queers say to describe something pleasant or enjoyable.

β€œThat shit was fuckin helli.”
β€œWhat a great time” said Hank. β€œYeah it was fuckin helli.”

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Helly - meaning

the word helly refers to a person who is socially irresponsible.
they usually take hard drugs and worship kurt cabin (from the killers).
be careful if you hear of someone called a helly as they thrive on attention and can attack you at any given stage (in their search for attention)
may have nits

"i love jack wacky" - helly
"all monsters are human" - Helly

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Helly - definition

May be a little annoying or strange but really just tries to fit in. Helly likes to look good and is beautiful even though she may not know. Helly likes to have a big group of friends but maybe one or two very close friends. She usually is a brunette or a dirty blonde and likes boys who are good looking and popular. You are very lucky if you know a Helly, she will stick up for you no matter what.

Helly is very creative and a badass girl. Sometimes she may be rude but never mean.

She also loves gaming and you can usually find her filming a YouTube video or playing a zombie game.

Helly is such a pretty gal

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Helly - slang

May be a little annoying or strange but really just tries to fit in. Helly likes to look good and is beautiful even though she may not know. Helly likes to have a big group of friends but maybe one or two very close friends. She usually is a brunette or a dirty blonde and likes boys who are good looking and popular. You are very lucky if you know a Helly, she will stick up for you no matter what.

Helly is very creative and a badass girl. Sometimes she may be rude but never mean.

She also loves gaming and you can usually find her filming a YouTube video or playing a zombie game.

Helly is such a pretty gal

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A girl who has style and may be a bit crazy, but she will stick by you no matter what. Quick to stand for what is right, and she loves video games. She tries to fit in and has a large friend group, but you will find her goofing around with one or two close bff's. She doesn't know it but she is very beautiful, usually you will find a Helly that is a dirty blonde.

Guy: "Hey Helly, want to come over later and play Fortnite?"
Helly: "Yeah sure, see you in fifteen."
Guy: "Damn, I have a Helly coming to play fortnite with me later!!"

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May be a little annoying or strange but really just tries to fit in. Helly likes to look good and is beautiful even though she may not know. Helly likes to have a big group of friends but maybe one or two very close friends. She usually is a brunette or a dirty blonde and likes boys who are good looking and popular. You are very lucky if you know a Helly, she will stick up for you no matter what.

Helly is very creative and a badass girl. Sometimes she may be rude but never mean.

She also loves gaming and you can usually find her filming a YouTube video or playing a zombie game.

Helly is such a pretty gal

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May be a little annoying or strange but really just tries to fit in. Helly likes to look good and is beautiful even though she may not know. Helly likes to have a big group of friends but maybe one or two very close friends. She usually is a brunette or a dirty blonde and likes boys who are good looking and popular. You are very lucky if you know a Helly, she will stick up for you no matter what.

Helly is very creative and a badass girl. Sometimes she may be rude but never mean.

She also loves gaming and you can usually find her filming a YouTube video or playing a zombie game.

Helly is such a pretty gal

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