Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Hell to the nah?

When someone does something is about to do something but you dissaprove strongly

Alien: hi.

Human: what's up
Alien: you are coming with us
Human: hell nah bruh

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Hell to the nah - video


Hell to the nah - what is it?

another way of saying "oh hell no", just more black.

ah hell nah nigga!

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What does "Hell to the nah" mean?

An expression meaning no if, ands, or but. No exceptions.

Would you ever have sex with a crackhead without a rubber?
Oh hell nah!!

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Hell to the nah - what does it mean?

idk i just say it when i disagree with someone or something..(i don’t say it i just felt like writing this)

Person:wanna jump of a cliff
Me:hell nah

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Hell to the nah - meaning

A complete defiance to a situation.

No I will absolutely not contribute in that act for I am completely and morally against it....BitCh!

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Hell to the nah - definition

guetto for: I can't believe it.

Anynimous guy #1: "So then I told him to go flunk himself."

Anonymous guy #2: " Hell nah!!"

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Hell to the nah - slang

It mean fuck no

Hell nah im not going to that dam movie with you

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Hell to the nah

no way

billy: do you guys want to go to the movies with me?
tom: no way
hakeem: hell nah son

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Hell to the nah

nope, uhh uhh, no way, not gonna happen

E: Zee wanna go to you crib and check it out
R: HELL NAH!!!!!!

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Hell to the nah

Means no,not doing it ,

Sara: R U going to the club with us tonight?
Kasey: Hell to the nah!

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