Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Hedrick?

That mufuckin nigga. All he does is blaze. Big ass dick nigga.

"How do I become cool?"
"Justin Hedrick."

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Hedrick - meme gif

Hedrick meme gif

Hedrick - video


Hedrick - what is it?

Destiny is just amazing :D

Destiny Hedrick is my girl.

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What does "Hedrick" mean?

Emma Hedrick - a blessing among the penguins.

Emma H. is very hot and spicy. She will light up your mouth like spicy taco sauce. I hope I never lose my little Emar. Oops, I meant Emma. Sorry β€˜bout dat. I love ya Emma.

Guy 1: Omg that girl is so hot, who is she?
Bystanders: damn its bouta get realllll spicy up in here

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Hedrick - what does it mean?

The feeling that a man gets when he's bungee jumping during the 4th of July fireworks.

I just 4.0'd through college, I feel like Monica Hedrick.

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Hedrick - meaning

The funniest guy you'll ever meet, smart , talented and good at almost everything he does , also a loyal friend and a faithful partner

Toby: Your boyfriend is soo funny
Lana:His name is Hedrick , it's natural

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