Definder - what does the word mean?

What is He Says?

As he actively tries to make money off of her

Hym "Hahahahaha! I love it! It's so tragic. I love red pill content. It's like that end scene from 'Harry and the Hendersons' where George is trying to get rid of Harry 'Get out here you we don't want you anymore!' and Harry doesn't really understand! Hahahaha-ah? What the hell is that-"


Hym "Ugh... You felt it too? Ugh..."

Iam "What did you do? What's happening?"

Hym "I... I don't know I was laughing at the idiots and now something is wrong..."

Iam "I don't like this. This feels gross. Stop doing whatever you're doing."

Hym "Bah-'Stop doing what I'm doing' he says. I'm trying! I don't know what happened there."

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He Says - video


He Says - what is it?

Some sort of way of saying something

β€œIt’s short he says”

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What does "He Says" mean?

most hated man

bin laden

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He Says - what does it mean?

Something absolute chads say when they're trying to throw off noob in a Roblox rap battle

Chad: Wrap say he smack wrap say he smack

Noob: Wrap say he smack

Chad: haha she said it

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He Says - meaning

The almighty phrase to win rap battles on Roblox

Airpods203040: Wrap say he smack
Crowd: Ooohhhhhhh
Noob opponent: YES
Airpods203040: *wins*

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He Says - definition

A phrase that signifies that a person's prior remark could have been interpreted sexually while also insulting the (female) speaker. Means that no man would ever say such a thing about that person because it would be blatantly untrue. If the target of the comment is male, the related saying that's what she didn't say should be used.

Emily: "OMG girl that shirt is totally fab! Can I try it on?"
Gina: "Sure," (under her breath) "good luck fitting into it, you cheese hog."
Emily: "What did you say?"
Gina: "Uh...I said I need to go feed the dog."
(Gina pretends to feed the dog while Emily gets changed)
Emily: "It's a bit of a tight fit."
Gina: "That's what he didn't say!"
Emily: "Oh no you di'int!"
Gina: "Bitch please! You get around more than an aircraft propeller, you ho-ass jersey chaser. Remember the night when you banged the entire Duke lacrosse team? I rest my case."
Emily: "Hmm...come to think of it, I really am a fat slut."
Gina: "Word to your mother."

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He Says - slang

your a complete idiot that doesn’t even know what is going on

Wane- Did he say die or pie?

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He Says

you thought you had been through with soaps because they are predictable and TV is out dated until you find yourself hooked on this one.

Loving the new "He say, She say" series.

I have a feeling it doesnt imitate life, you know, it stands on its own. Art is life.

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He Says

It's the meme that high school freshman use when someone says something fucked up/

Me: What's 12 x 3

My Friend: 41

Me: What did he say???

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He Says

when someone talks and you hear alot of "he said" or "she said" in it without any truth. one word: DRAMA.

person1:hey girl i heard that you like micheal! well you know SHE SAID that you was -

person2:hold up, i know you not trying to get in my face with no he say she say mess.

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