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What is Halo Infinite?

A pathetic mess

Halo Infinite is an absolute pathetic mess

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Halo Infinite - video


Halo Infinite - what is it?

a game released by 343 Industries that had little to no content and is dying as of right now

Guy 1: β€œTryna play some Halo Infinite?”
Guy 2: β€œMid game, kys”

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What does "Halo Infinite" mean?

The best recent mainline Halo other than mcc

Chad 1: let’s play some Halo Infinite

Chad 2: hell yeah
Chad 3: they gotta fix store though

πŸ‘59 πŸ‘Ž19

Halo Infinite - what does it mean?

A game that can save or cripple the halo series.

Halo Infinite is being developed by 343 industries and takes place after the events of halo 5 guardians.

As seen at e3 2018, halo infinite features the iconic art style that halo fans love. The music that played during the trailer was nostalgic,and gave the viewers a sense of hope.
What will ruin the game is the advanced mobility that was seen in the previous title, and Microtransactions such as Req Packs.

The game’s release date is unknown as of now, but many people believe it to release Fall 2019, or Fall 2020.

Halo Infinite gives me hope for the future

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