Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Hakki?

A man who is a tool. He may look good and talk even better, but he is a hoe. He's always taking pictures and will not hesitate to call you ugly, even if he is too. He from the islands so you know he trouble. If you meet one, keep it on a friends basis or he will waste your time, happily.

Tea met a hakky at the club last night but made sure she wasn't falling in love.

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Hakki - meme gif

Hakki meme gif

Hakki - video


Hakki - what is it?

He is truly unexplainable. For he is perfect, destined for amazing things. While his friends walk around like a pack of bitches, he is the perfect, golden midas of them all. He is perfect and always will be perfect.

Zach Hakky is truly perfect

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What does "Hakki" mean?

Hakki is the perfect boy for a girl that starts with M.

"Wow! Hakki is so good!"

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Hakki - what does it mean?

A Guy who's always ready to get in a fight for his friends and gets all the girls in school!

Be like hakki.

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Hakki - meaning

Hakki is known for his calm nature and is therefore also very patient and resilient. If you want to have him, you have to make an effort, because he is picky. In bed he seduces you hard and heartly. Rushing something is not his type, he prefers to take a lot of time for the things that are close to his heart. Loyalty is very important to him, that's why he has few friends, but is very famous in his city for his helpfulness, gratitude and diligence.

Look, there is Hakki our daddy! He is so hot, if he talked to me arrogantly, I would tolerate it.

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