Definder - what does the word mean?

What is HOT karl?

The act in which a woman sucks the cock of the same man who moments earlier was balls deep in her can. (See also CORN HOLE)

After the movies, Frank treated Judy to a nice Hot Karl sundae, with whipped cream and nuts.

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HOT karl - video


HOT karl - what is it?

1. The greatest rapper alive. His debut album "I Like to Read" was better than Illmatic.

Did you hear that Hot Karl record? It was totally better than Illmatic!

👍193 👎259

What does "HOT karl" mean?

A white rapper from the San Fernando Valley.

Hot Karl is a pretty good rapper.

👍137 👎153

HOT karl - what does it mean?

The act of wrapping saran wrap over a person's head and then deficating on it.

I saw this one hardcore porn where this guy gives this girl a hot karl, it's fucking gross.

👍243 👎267

HOT karl - meaning

"Hot Karl" is a slang term for sex which involves feces. Such variations of a "Hot Karl" are having a bowel movement in your partner's mouth, the female partner giving the male partner fellatio after he has had anal sex with her, or when a parter has a bowel movement on the other partners stomach (usually, the partner getting boweled on has Saran Wrap on his/her stomach).

My wife and I experimented with the Hot Karl, wow do I love the taste of my woman's shit.

👍793 👎811

HOT karl - definition

1)The act of leaving feaces on your partners stomach, chest, mouth area while engaging in sexual activity.

2)The act of pooping in a tube sock and smacking them in the face.

1)While bangin your mom last night i hot karled her face because she wouldn't shut up

2)When this douche bag passes out lets hot karl him in the face

👍335 👎273

HOT karl - slang

is when you poop in a sock and hit someone in the face with it.

poop in a sock and hit someone with it.

👍805 👎729

HOT karl

When you shit into a tube sock, then hit someone in the face with it and scream "Hot Karl!"

Yo, your roommate is a dick. Let's hit him up with a Hot Karl tonight.

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HOT karl

Proceding to the act of hot-karling involves one of the following:

1. Any part of sex in which faeces from one partner is found on the other, regardless of the technique. NOTE: the action of defecating on one's self may not be regarded as a "hot karl" but rather as "soiling yourself".

2. A form of assault in which the assailant procedes to fill a tube sock with his own faeces, ready to engage in fierce guerrilla.

1. While you were sleeping, I snuck into your sister's room and hot-karled her.

2. Brandon is such a moron, let's hot-karl him after school today.

👍4525 👎2497

HOT karl

To excrete fecal matter into a sock and then to hit a person in the face with the sock filled with feces.

I pooped in my sock while in the Jeep, and jumped out and gave a Hot Karl to the homeless man.

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