Definder - what does the word mean?

What is HIPPY?

a person with a non-conformist state of mind. non-conformist in the sense that they don't conform to the socially accepted, but in return conform to other hippies with the same peace of mind ideaology. not always disillusioned by the use of psychedelics, marajuana, or other drugs. which is a common misconception. their common ambitions are for a utopia. they are anti war, many are vegeterian, and act in non violent protest (if they do use violence they are hypocritical) it is unfair to make steriotypes of these people who just want to live their lives with equality and love, and peace.

"Hippies started the ecology movement. They combated racism. They liberated sexual stereotypes, encouraged change, individual pride, and self-confidence. They questioned robot materialism. In four years they managed to stop the Vietnam War. They got marijuana decriminalized in fourteen states during the Carter Administration." Timothy Leary

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HIPPY - what is it?

The bane of Eric Cartman's existence.

"Take me away from this God damn filthy planet full of hippies."

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What does "HIPPY" mean?

One who embraces life to the fullest. Promotes peace, love and happiness, but sure as hell sticks up for what they believe in. Anyone can be a hippie, not just that dirty dread-locked tie-dyed pothead with the dead shirt on. HIPPIES ARE WONDERFUL PEOPLE!!!

Jerry Garcia, All the amazing dead-heads, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, You, Me

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HIPPY - what does it mean?

I’m sure at one point in time, hippies once stood for something. But none of that really matters now because the new wave of faux-hippies has completely trampled out any past achievements and set the whole movement back at least four-hundred years.

Your modern day hippie is a white, middle-to-upper-middle class 20-year old college student. He (or she) will drive a hybrid or some other β€œgreen” car that they own because their yippie parents bought it for them.

He will live in your local coffee/tea cafΓ© and go on and on about western or eastern philosophy, depending on his personal bent, until blood shoots out of your ears. When he runs out of pretentious, grandiose questions to pose, he will proceed to make Noam Chomsky look like Rush Limbaugh with his political rhetoric.

He will probably hang out with homeless people to earn β€œstreet cred,” not realizing that these same people want nothing more than this hippie to have a seizure from too much LSD so they can make off with a wallet full of cash.

Words such as β€œword,” β€œchill,” and β€œdank” will be used. These three words will most likely even be used in the same sentence to describe Phish to someone. He will treat the police like shit because the police are β€œthe man” and more importantly, β€œthe man who stole my drugs.”

What a shame that all of these free spirits will one day be shackled down with corporate jobs, wearing tailored suits, (and Jerry Garcia ties) telling their uninterested kids how awesome they once were.

Hippies: "We should do as Buddha taught and shed our worldly possessions."

Normal Guy: "Okay. Get rid of your North Face jackets."

Hippies: "..."

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HIPPY - meaning

The counter-culture of the 1960's. They believe in equality, love, and peace. They are anit-war and pro-choice. These people are responsible for making the best music known to man. They also popularized recreational drug use.

Fuck the draft, man!

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HIPPY - definition

plural for hippie.

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HIPPY - slang

a person who has a bright outlook on life. They are usually kind, gernerous, caring and loving etc. Most hippies do care about the environment and are willing to protect and/or improve it. They also have a peaceful presence about themselves. This means that their mind is in a peaceful state. However it should be noted that not all hippies do drugs. You can still be a hippy without the drugs.

That hippy cares about the environment.

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One who looks upon all of these negative definitions and shakes his head thinking how sad it must be to no longer have the ability to dream of a world that we were all taught to strive for as children. One who loves everyone without prejudice.

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a person who loves nature and being natural and authentic and real who believes in harmony and respects and loves all life.

Eden Ahbez was a hippie in the 1940s

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A Hippie is a person who was raised under the ideological system that came out of the tumultuous 1960's in North America and western Europe. They are either of the flower-child/baby boomer generation or that generations' subsequent offspring. They possess a core belief set revolving around the values of peace and love as being essential in an increasingly globalized society, and they are oftentimes associated with non-violent anti-governmental groups. There is a stigma of drug abuse attached to the hippies that is prevalent to this day, specifically the use and abuse of marijuana and hallucinagens. Many rock movements,poets, artists, and writers from the 1960's to today have associated with this movement, most prominently The Grateful Dead, Bob Dylan, Janis Joplin, and Phish. There are others too numerous to name. The movement, then and now, is considered a sub-culture by sociologists that associates itself with the left in all its political opinions. The conservative right often berates and abuses the opinions of people who associate themselves with the hippie movement and/or lifestyle, as the consider it dangerous and degenerative to a society to favor liberalism to such an extent.

"When we heard about the hippies, the barely more than boys and girls who decided to try something different... we laughed at them. We condemned them, our children, for seeking a different future. We hated them for their flowers, for their love, and for their unmistakable rejection of every hideous, mistaken compromise that we had made throughout our hollow, money-bitten, frightened, adult lives."
Author: June Jordan

"How many times must the cannonballs fly, before they're forever banned? ...How many deaths will it takes till he knows that too many people have died?"
Bob Dylan- Blowin in the wind.

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