Definder - what does the word mean?


When consuming two or more recreational drugs, a mindstate which might resemble being somewhere between heaven & earth might be achieved. Just like Zeus's son, Hercules the half god, who lived somewhere between heaven & earth.

A: Dude, last night I drank a bottle of vodka and smoked 4 joints.
B: Damn brah, dats sick!
A: Yeah, it was a total Hercules!

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HERCULES - meme gif

HERCULES meme gif

HERCULES - video


HERCULES - what is it?

Used in place of Mr. Satan in the dragonball universe for censorship purposes. He became the world martial arts champion while the Z fighters were off doing other things. He is partially responsible for the defeat of Cell and Majin Buu, but instead of being modest he takes full credit for their defeat. He is the (overprotective) father of Videl.

Along with the Supreme Kai, Pan, Fortuneteller Baba, and Uub, Mr. Satan is one of the only characters out of the main cast who is never killed during the course of Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball GT.

Although weak compared to the majority of the cast, Mr. Satan is a skilled martial artist, and his strength exceeds that of most humans.

Akira Toriyama revealed in the Super Exciting Guide interview that Hercule first name is Mark (γƒžγƒΌγ‚―, Maaku), a rough anagram of Akuma, which means "Devil" or "Demon" in Japanese, keeping in line with his family's naming scheme.

# Family
Videl's Mother (Ex-Wife)
# Videl (Daughter)
# Gohan (Son-in-Law)
# Pan (Granddaughter)
# Goku Jr. (Great-Great-Grandson)

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What does "HERCULES" mean?

A man who can pleasure his woman multiple times a night; A man with a great stamina; A real alpha man

Wow, that was amazing, honey. You are my Hercules, Hercules, Hercules!

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HERCULES - what does it mean?

The cutest and most manliest and most muscular dog in the world. A direct descendent of the Gods, hence the name. Likes to run into walls and chase after anything that moves. Pees on sidewalks because he is too cool to pee like everyone else.

Woah, look how awesome that dog is, he must be Hercules!

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HERCULES - meaning

A strong heart

Passion for what brings you fulfillment

One who stands up for what they believe in.

Martin Luthin King Jr.

"Dreams are harbored by a hercule will."

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HERCULES - definition

A slang term when a gay midget balances on a lesbians strap on and then gets anally penetrated.

dude that midget got totally herculized

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HERCULES - slang

The nicest town in west contra costa. However, lately has become over run with ghetto children attending the local high school. Has a very, very large population of phillipinos. Also known as Herc town. There's nothing really to do in Hercules, unless you enjoy Lucky's and one Mcdonalds.

Hercules police got nothing to do but yell at skateboarders

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Besides putting the "glad" in "gladiator", he is a guy who carries you across the street, up three flights of stairs, pretends to be less drunk than you, bangs you into the wall, but still prevents you from falling off the top bunk over and over and over again. He also is awesome even when he is so pisseded.

Philip Gastineau is Hercules

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Roman name for the Greek god Heracles. The word hero is derived from Hercules, even though all Hercules seemed to do was kill people who pissed him off.

Some people think Hercules was a great lover of women, but he was bi, and had more male lovers than he had women. That's why other gods like Thor were afraid to be around him.

Sam Elliot to Mel Gibson in "We Were Soldiers": Hercules was a pussy, sir. Oh wait a minute... that was Custer...

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A man who can pleasure his woman multiple times a night; A man with a great stamina; A real alpha man

Wow, that was amazing, honey. You are my Hercules, Hercules, Hercules!

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