Definder - what does the word mean?

What is HAND DOWN?

Implies that if a boxer is fighting with his hands down, eventually that man will go down with a knockout, since he is not on guard.

The Term was coined by Delonte West of the Cleveland Cavaliers after nailing a Game Winning three pointer against the Washington Wizards in the first round of the 2008 NBA Playoffs. They gave Delonte an open shot without a hand in his face, and it lead to a knockout 3 pointer.

They gave me an open look, and it was "Hands Down, Man's Down"

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HAND DOWN - video


HAND DOWN - what is it?

Implies that if a boxer is fighting with his hands down, eventually that man will go down with a knockout.

The Term was coined by Delonte West of the Cleveland Cavaliers after nailing a Game Winning three pointer against the Washington Wizards in the first round of the 2008 NBA Playoffs. They gave Delonte an open shot without a hand in his face, and it lead to a knockout 3 pointer.

They gave me an open look, and it was "Hands Down, Man's Down"

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What does "HAND DOWN" mean?

the way to tell if sumbody is gay...

just šŸ¤šā¬‡ļø them.

gay 1: hey u šŸ¤šā¬‡ļø *the gay hand down*
bi 1: no iā€™m šŸ‘ˆā†•ļø

vibing in gay

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HAND DOWN - what does it mean?

To masturbate

My friends boy friend was not about so I told her to "throw the hand down" until he returned

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HAND DOWN - meaning

hands down means to have your hands down someone elses pants

excuse me can i hands down you

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HAND DOWN - definition

A song from Dashboard Confessionals album, 'A Mark, a Mission, a Brand, a Scar.' It is an amazing song, yet because of this, it's the Dashboard song that everyone knows, even if they don't listen to Dashboard at all...and then they think that they're huge fans. I think I speak for all true Dashboard fans when I ask these people to PLEASE listen to Dashboards older music...know their style, their history, and their lyrics before assuming that you "know" Dashboard Confessional.

"Do you listen to Dashboard?"
"Yeah!! Hands Down is awesome.."
"Do you know any of their other music..?"

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HAND DOWN - slang

The best fucking Dashboard Confessional song ever!!!

Hands down this is the best day I can ever remember, I'll always remember the sound of the stereo, the dim of the soft lights, the scent of your hair that you twirled in your fingers - and the time on the clock when we realized it's so late, and this walk that we shared together - the streets were wet and the gate was locked, so I jumped it and I let you in, and you stood at your door with your hands on my waist and you kissed me like you meant it - and I knew that you meant it.

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Basically meaning, no questions ask.

'I'm livin' life to fullest, HANDS DOWN.'

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Hands down Ben Rowan is a git.

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1. Used when talking about whether something is easily the best.

2. When a team or a player of any sport wins something with very little effort/easily

1. Shigeru Miyamoto is hands down the best game designer ever.

2. The Yankees would beat the Red Sox hands down.

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