Definder - what does the word mean?

What is HANCE?

A weak ass person who ain't gonna do shit, the biggest fuck boy on this earth who usually thinks he's a tough ass

Carter Hance is the biggest fuck boy ever that ain't bout shit

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HANCE - meme gif

HANCE meme gif

HANCE - video


HANCE - what is it?

Such a fucking penis gal. Cup size -Z. Flat af, dry af.

Bro u hear that girl yelling at her bf, shes such a Carina Hance.

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What does "HANCE" mean?

A man who plays basketball, baseball, and football. He's not a poop nugget and is wayyyy better than James! He gets all da the girls and gets me with style. What a guy!

Man, that guys is a definite Christopher Hance

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HANCE - what does it mean?

The girl whom I am in very much love with, she also posted an Urban Dictionary Definition about me, but unfortunately was declined. Publish this and let her know that she is the most important person in my life. Haley Hance, I love you so very much! You are the definition of perfection and beauty! I love you!!!!

Have you heard about the girl Haley Meghan Hance who won Miss Universe without even entering? Yeah! Isn't that James Oulch's fiance?

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HANCE - meaning

a fucking bitch

Jared Hance is so cute. That fucking bitch.

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HANCE - definition

A kewl skewl where children do not smoke weed.

Person 1: heyy! What school do you go to?!
Person 2: hanc.

Person 1: wow I never heard they smile weed!

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HANCE - slang

Implying someone is ugly. A shortened version of "handsom devil" used in a sarcastic manner.

Man, Troy is hance cunt.

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Dancing using only your hands. Usually seen by people going about their business with headphones on, who are totally feeling a tune, but don't want to draw attention to themselves in public by busting a move.

Therefore, physical appreciation of the music is shown by hancing with their arms at their sides nonchalantly, and tapping their fingers on their palms/music device, and/or clench their hands in time with the music.

Dude 1: Hey man, check out that girl on the other side of the street with the headphones. That's some badass hancing fo sho.

Dude 2: Word. From her hance moves I guess she's listening to...The Cure vs Justin Timberlake mashup? Fawesome.

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Handsome and no clue.

Man who is handsome but doesn't think he is.

"Did you hear how he described himself?"

"Yeah, he's a total HANC."

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Another word synonymous with cool, chronic or "uber". Basically the end-all term for awesomeness. Technically this definition is not hance enough to describe the word hance. That's how hance hance is. Derivation maybe from the verb "enhance". Or maybe a Greek philosopher was one day chillin or doing what one does when your a Greek philosopher, discovered the euphoric secrets of the world and yelled with exclamation "By the heavens......HANCE!"

Even Chuck Norris can't be that hance...
That's SOOO hance!

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