Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Gulshan?

Gulshan means garden so the person whose name is gulshan is like garden. He Or she have many different character traits but all of them are beautiful

She is as beautiful as gulshan

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Gulshan - meme gif

Gulshan meme gif

Gulshan - video


Gulshan - what is it?

Gulshan comes from the Persian root, gul, meaning 'flower' or sometimes 'rose' and shan, meaning 'field'.
Gulshan- very beautiful garden, joyful, loveable, happiness.

Very beautiful like Gulshan.

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What does "Gulshan" mean?



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Gulshan - what does it mean?

From the Persian root, Gul, meaning 'flower' or sometimes 'rose' and Shan, meaning 'field'. In moon sign based Vedic Astrology, person with name Gulshan will be the person of generous love and care. They selflessly love the distressed people especially the physically challenged people.

They love drama, they are also very creative.

Gulshan please try to be selective while you are going to select any new friends

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Gulshan - meaning

Gulshan is a beautiful women, who lives by gradenof flowers, she may be a queen of rose garden. She is so caring of her family especially parents. She thinks twice about her parents before taking any decisions for their pleasure. She is someone who thinks so deep in whatever she hears or looks at. She is so spiritual, believes everything happens by God. She loves books good movies and poetry A lover of loneliness and have few genuine friends.
She is pretty beautiful when she smiles, like a red rose of Kashmir.
If Gulshan crosses your life she’ll be something special forever in your memory or in your heart.
A promising friend, A secret keeper,

You know,Gulshan is my garden

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Gulshan - definition

Garden full of flowers.

β€œAre we in Paradise or should i just say Gulshan Gulshan πŸ˜β€

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Gulshan - slang

Garden full of flowers.

β€œGulshan is like paradise.”

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It has different meaning at different places. So, first of all, in India, it defines as a garden,in Japan it means very loyal, in china it means devil, in the UK the US Nd Canada it regard as a garden of love πŸŒŸπŸ’ŒπŸ’―πŸ’―

U can listen a song

In which it had used by Bollywood

"Gulshan Gulshan fool khile hain*

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Gulshan means a flower garden which has a lots of beautiful flowers which when grows everything becomes like a heaven..

Like this place is like Gulshan.....

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Garden full of flowers.

β€œGulshan is like paradise.”

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