Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Gubbin?

An Australian umbrella-term for all horny words.

β€œI’m so hungover today and my head is full of Gubbins”.

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Gubbin - meme gif

Gubbin meme gif

Gubbin - video


Gubbin - what is it?

A gubbin is someone who on occasion acts like a vagrant.

"You wouldn't believe his parents own a mansion would you? The gubbin!"

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What does "Gubbin" mean?

gubbind: the gubbins is the location where the shaft of the penis meets the scrotum

bro i need to shower my gubbins is ultra sweaty

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Gubbin - what does it mean?

A surname used in the UK to 'pass off' or satisfy someone who is pestering you for information. 'Gubbins' is mainly used when individuals need a quick answer to questions they do not wish to entertain.

'Hey, can you get me guest list for Saturday?'
'Yeah... use Gubbins at the door'

'Do you know who is responsible for the coffee machine in this office?'
'Yeah... I think it's Gubbins'

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Gubbin - meaning

British fish pairings. bits or peices

i saw gubbins.

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Gubbin - definition

Objects of little or no value. A word frequently used while moving houses, e.g. "I can't take it any more! All these gubbins to sort out!"

nick nacks,garbage,small toys, pictures,books,pencils,utencils,paper,Gubbins etc......

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Gubbin - slang

The innards / innerworkings.

That fox got run over and all its gubbins oozed out.

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Gubbins = stuff.

A common expression in Northern England, and the better parts of the rest of the world.

Neil: "Where's the 27mm impact socket?"
Zippy: "It's over there on the floor, next to that pile of welding gubbins."

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general clutter, stuff, a collection or assortment of unconnected items.

He had a lot of gubbins in his backpack

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The parts of fish that are thrown away and not consumed.

I threw away my gubbins of my fish.

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