Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Green hat?

If somebody gives you a green hat as a gift, congratulations they slept your wife or girlfriend

Hey nice Green Hat who gave it to you?
Meaning: Hey who did your significant other cheat on you with?

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Green hat - video


Green hat - what is it?

green hat is a term used to refer to a computer hacker that is either

a.) willing to do anything for cash, or
b.) completely new to hacking and therefore "green"

one day i hope to stop being a noob green hat hacker and become a greedy green hat hacker.

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What does "Green hat" mean?

A Green Hat is that guy that sucks it up and takes the asshole in the event of a foursome that involves three guys and a girl.

Hey, Green Hat, Take the backside for me!

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Green hat - what does it mean?

to get high as shit then go to a skatepark and purposely bail on a grind and destroy ur sack on a rail

last night me and my mom went green hatting

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Green hat - meaning

to people that cheat on by their boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife

MING: why u give me a green hat to wear
NISHA: Because ur poor and useless

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Green hat - definition

Cantonese luk mao
for someone who cheat-on by their couple.

she gave him a green hat, he is now sad and mad!

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Green hat - slang

In HK , if you wear a green hat , you re a F***er.

Salesman: Do you like this green hat?
Random guy: F*** you.
*Hits the salesman with the hat*

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Green hat

In hk , if u wear a green hat , u R a F***er.

Salesman: Do you like this green hat?
Random guy: F*** you.
*Hits the salesman with the hat*

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Green hat

In Hong Kong , if You wear a green hat , You R a F***er.

Salesman: Do you like this green hat?
Random guy: F*** you.
*Hits the salesman with the hat*

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Green hat

NTR, cuckold.

*boy wears a green hat*

-That boy looks like he has been cuckolded.

.Novelupdate forum should know that, dammit.

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