Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Grammatically challenged?

grammatically challenged is sumting mean ppl tel u wen they wanna seem smrt. :(

big meanie (copypasted)- What the fuck is "rofflecopter"? You some kind of grammatically challenged twat?

Grammatically Challenged (me?) - wut?

👍45 👎75

Grammatically challenged - video


Grammatically challenged - what is it?

Someone who cannot use grammar.

Tara Gilebsie-Author of My Immortal Harry Potter Fanfiction, who is Grammatically challenged

👍37 👎15

What does "Grammatically challenged" mean?

A vast majority of the posters on Urban Dictionary.

i dropped out of school when i was four because that bitch teacher was keeping me down, just like the man. STICK IT TO THE MAN! NOW I ARE RACISTSEXIST! ^^ (Grammatically Challenged)

👍153 👎21