Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Goying?

1. A replacement for the word Oi

2. Can also be used as a replacement for the word going

1. Goi, Kate you rock

2. Are You goi to the movies

👍245 👎91

Goying - meme gif

Goying meme gif

Goying - video


Goying - what is it?

German-Mexican slang for goying, also a type of fruit in tibet.

Jose is goying beyond the notable parent, then we take over

👍43 👎13

What does "Goying" mean?

Always lower case. A simple phrase - Get Over It.

Used in any situation.

I don't like you. goi.
Ohh, I hurt your feelings? goi.
Heyy!!! goi.

👍453 👎167

Goying - what does it mean?

Get Over It.

just goi.

👍641 👎241

Goying - meaning

Rather than the common misconception of using the term 'lol' when you actually are not laughing out loud, use the term 'goi', which mean 'Giggle On the Inside'.

Jack: And then she said Operation Shadankadonk!

Tony: goi

👍773 👎283

Goying - definition

1.Shortened version of get over it.
2.Can also be used with same pronounciation for get over youself (goy)

A-I think I'm allergic to that, my airways are swelling up.
B- Goi.

A-I'm so hot don't you wish you were me?
B- Goy.

👍557 👎167

Goying - slang

Short for "get over it" or "get ovAr it", the latter being not just a suggestion but a lifestyle.

you: My cat just died. :'(
me: goi

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Acronym for "Get Over It"
--As used by your mom

G - Get
O - Over
I - It!

Ian -Hey Mom, Why is derek sleeping in your bed?

Ians mom -Oh Ian Goi *rolls eyes*

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In Hebrew and Yiddish means the "people". They use the word in reference to a non-Jewish person. The word meaning could be absolutely neutral or uncomplimentary, depending on the context.

1. Her second husband, very nice man, was a goi.
2. No surprise this goi is favoring Hamas.

👍657 👎169


A pseudonym for most all cats that smell like fish; especially halibut, trout, rock cod, and sardines
If the cat was castrated then it is a bonus as he/she will feel extremely self-conscious if you call him a Goi Goi

"Goi Goi! You so stinky! You so fwuffy!"
"Goiiiiiii Goi you're so smelly!"
"Farley, you smell like a goi goi!"

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