Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Gorger?


What a gorger he is.

👍25 👎11

Gorger - meme gif

Gorger meme gif

Gorger - video


Gorger - what is it?

Gorgerous means to be a disgusting, horrible being of eldritch horror.


👍25 👎11

What does "Gorger" mean?

someone who gorges and overdose on horrendous amounts of cock and/or penis/dick.

Emma is a major cock gorger.

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Gorger - what does it mean?

Offensive word to call a girl who is not a gypsy. Other gypsy girls may use it if the girls are strangers or considered "gross" or "sluty". Seen as a derogatory slur. It is different then the word Rakli which is just a non gypsy girl.

You see all them Gorger girls dancing up close to the guys, and we aren't like that.

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Gorger - meaning

racist term for whites

whatup my gorger

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Gorger - definition

A person who fills themselves full with food, so they can go long periods without having to eat again.

Opposite to a grazer. See 'grazer'


'I just had a huge breakfast, I'm full to bursting. Still, at least I won't have to eat now for a good while.'


'So you don't fancy one of my sarnies when we have a break?'


'No thanks, I'd probably throw up, I'm that full'

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Gorger - slang

A person who lives in an house

You gorger better watch your back

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What a gorger he is!

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A gentleman; a well-dressed man. See: Vocabulum: Or, The Rogue's Lexicon. Comp. from the Most Authentic Sources

Elliot: A gorger gave me a beautiful BJ at the library.
サクラ: What! A BJ at the library?

Elliot: Yes, a black jacket. I given quite a nice one at the library.
サクラ: Why do you abbreviate almost everything. You're likely to be misunderstood.
Elliot: I always mean what I say, yet I don't always say what I mean.

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A word to describe a non gypsy. Not necessarily accepted by gypsies.

Gypsy 1:Who are they over there?

Gypsy 2: Gorgers

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