Definder - what does the word mean?

What is GoodBye?

Goodbye is a way of saying something to a person when they are going out of the house. You can also use it by shorting it up by saying bye.If you are going to a show or something and your mammy was in the car with you ate in the show she would say good luck or break a leg

Timmy- hey I’m tipping over too aldi to get the dinner

Johnny- right see you later goodbye!!!!!?

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GoodBye - meme gif

GoodBye meme gif

GoodBye - video


GoodBye - what is it?

What twits say in response to preposed friendship after a break up

'We're still friends yeah?'

'Yeah, goodbye'

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What does "GoodBye" mean?

In Portuguese it means "adeus"...

"Adeus meus amigos..." = "Goodbye my friends"

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GoodBye - what does it mean?

Something fake friends don’t understand γ‚·

goodbye Camilla! I hope to never see you again!

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GoodBye - meaning

What you say to the person in your bed when you wake up the next morning.

What's your name again? Oh okay, goodbye.

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GoodBye - definition

Something AOL users hear a lot.

Welcome! You've got mai- Goodbye!

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GoodBye - slang

The word every girl hates to say to someone they love.

β€œGoodbye Katie.” Said Conor.
β€œPlease don’t say that, I love you!” Katie sobbed as Conor walked away.

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Term used to show people who will never see somebody again.


See you later.
So long?

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The second worst word in the human dictionary.

Means leaving someone or something, and sometimes never seeing them again.

It was nice seeing you Emily... goodbye.

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A form of address at parting. Phrase exchanged between people when going their separate ways.

"Never say goodbye, because goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting." -Peter Pan

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