Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Go To School?

You can get to schools at all

Hay I don't have to worry about going to school today because it's national don't go to schools

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Go To School - video


Go To School - what is it?

1. Go to a place of education (British)

2. Die in a hail of bullets (American)

"Thomas, get your shoes on it's time to go to school!" (British)

"Little Thomas, age nine, had no way knowing what awaited him as he prepared to go to school that day."

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What does "Go To School" mean?

a common phrase used to express fuck u, or an excuse not to travel to school together

example 1

lachlan: can u grab me a bottle of water rq?
lucas: i go to school by bus

example 2:
andrew: wanna walk to sch together?
tyler: i go to school by bus

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Go To School - what does it mean?

from the movie Space Jam. Often used by men who are dating women that are no good for them, in circumstances such as Facebook. usually found by the next girlfriend many years later.

(On a guy's facebook page) "I don't want to go to school today I want to stay home and bake cookies with you...(insert skank's name here)".

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Go To School - meaning

A question asked when people from St. Louis Missouri first meet. the question determines many things from religion to socio-economic status.

Guy 1: Where are you from?
Guy 2: St. Louis
Guy 1: Really me too, Where did you go to high school?

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Go To School - definition

A question posed by one lifelong St. Louis area native to another upon first meeting or after having recently met. The purpose is to learn if you and the other person have any mutual acquaintances.

Shelly: "Oh, you've lived in St. Louis all your life? Where'd you go to high school?"

Steve: "Pattonville"

Shelly: "Pattonville? Uh, let's see, do you know a guy named Mark Henderson?"

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Go To School - slang

A musical airing in the universe of Black Friday by Starkid. Christopher Kringle, or Santa Claus, goes undercover as a teenager in Northville High School and tries to reconnect with the youth. His two elves, Jingle and Jangle, accompany him.

Have you seen the new musical, Santa Claus is Going to High School?

Yeah man, it rocks!

👍41 👎13

Go To School

I don't get what you mean OR Nonsense

I go to school by bus is a piece of comment made by non-native English readers referring to a piece of passage that make no sense. Broadly adapted in Hong Kong since it is a sentence appear in a commonly used primary English language coursebook.

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Go To School

What the emo white boy that you were nice to tells you the day before he shoots up the school

"Hey, don't go to school tomorrow."
"Thanks, bro."

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Go To School

1) To send an email.

2) To send information via the internet without the use of an IM or a networking site - e.i. facebook

*MSN not sending file*

John: Fuck it, just go old school.

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