Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Glizzy goblin?

A fat, unattractive woman who gets by on sucking dick. Not to be confused with a β€œkeg on legs”.

-Yo playboy why you with that fat, ugly bitch?
-Because she can suck a mean dick.

-Oh yeah, you got yourself a real glizzy goblin!

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Glizzy goblin - video


Glizzy goblin - what is it?

the act of shlobbing on that glizzy 2k and muchin that hoe up like i eat mama

i’m Glizzy goblin your brother

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What does "Glizzy goblin" mean?

Not to be confused by a Glizzy Gladiator or a Glizzy Gobbler, a Glizzy Goblin could be categorized not for the speed in which they consume the Glizzy but how many Glizzies they could handle or take in.

Cameron: β€œI’m back, WOAH where did all the Glizzies go”
Raphael: β€œ Robert the absolute Glizzy Goblin got greedy and took them all”

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Glizzy goblin - what does it mean?

Someone who gobbles so much gliz they develop a deep desire for the glizzy, just as a goblin desires gold.

Yo, that a straight glizzy goblin right there!

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Glizzy goblin - meaning

When at younglife camp you become the glizzy master (Daniel R).

β€œLights out all you glizzy goblins, it’s not Halloween.”

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