Definder - what does the word mean?

What is gliz?

When you're getting down to business with a glizzy.

Look at that man eating a glizzy at 9am! He's getting right down to glizness!

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gliz - meme gif

gliz meme gif

gliz - video


Gliz - what is it?

another way of saying facts, only used by the boys.

Me: "Yo choppa, Lebron is the goat right"
Neighbor: "Glizzz"

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What does "gliz" mean?

The meat of the glizzy

Literal meaning: look at the gliz meat

Figurative meaning :the spirit of the glizzy

👍55 👎13

Gliz - what does it mean?

Saliva coming specifically from one's gleek

John gleeked gliz all over me.

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