Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Gindi?

This man is the (former?) VA of Tighnari from genshin impact. He also has to be a racist, sexist, homophobic, ableist pedophile who groomed multiple teenaged fans and threatened suicide when they didn’t give him what they wanted. I hate that man.

“Dude have you heard about Elliot Gindi?”
“Yeah, the dudes a real piece of shit.”

👍43 👎13

Gindi - meme gif

Gindi meme gif

Gindi - video


Gindi - what is it?

Genshin characters voice actor that is a p3do

Elliot gindi groomed a minor

👍25 👎11

What does "Gindi" mean?

aka a gang banger who rolls with indians

olisa is a gindi
lucas is a gindi even though hes white
garland is also a gindi although he is a oreo
casey is an intelligent gindi one of the few

👍33 👎33

Gindi - what does it mean?

when a person has ripped their pants and is talking about it.

its the term to define what has occurred when someone has ripped their pants

person 1 - yo i just ripped my pants and am feeling the wind

Person 2 - ohh so its pretty gindy ?

person 1 - yea mate haha

👍41 👎37

Gindi - meaning

A gindi may be characterized by or do the following:

1. Get the urge to whisper O sh*t when big black people walk by.

2. Lose the ability to whisper.

3. Go out of the way to look/act more slum than usual.

4. The 3 S's of gindianity/gindiism are Slum, Slanky, Sleazy. And in Krishna's case Stumpy.

5. Have irrational logic that only makes sense to yourself (gindi logic).

6. oooOOOOooohhhh BAH

7. Sticking out your tongue and looking surprised in known as the gindi face.

8. And we don't give a sh*t

I'm a gindi I'm a gindi I'm a gindi

👍59 👎25

Gindi - definition

a derogatory term used to signify a southern indian or oriental asian. This is equivalent to "nigger", "negro","cracker","spick","wet back" and "chink".

"that gay ass gindi thought he could front on me."

"This gindi here thinks he's gangsta,i say we fuck his ass up"

"What up my gindi"

"Thats my gindi right there"

👍57 👎23

Gindi - slang

racial slur for indians or south asians "nigger" for ndns or azns

that gindi right there is a punk

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A gindi is a word that describes an Indian or a South Asian that tries to act black. It is also the equivalent of the "n" word in terms of use.

"Dam son, that Gindi is ugly as shit boii..."

"Yo what up my Gindi."

👍99 👎41


slang for the suburb Tarragindi in Brisbane.
a suburb filled with general losers and bogans

check out that skank, she has to be from the gindi
look at those bogans, they must be from the gindi

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A gindi describes a Southern Asian (usually an Indian) that likes to talk and/or act black. A gindi can also mean someone's "dawg" or "homeboy" It is a word that is typically used among other gindis.

Michael: "Yo gindi you going to the movies tonight?"

Andy: "Naw mah gindi."

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