Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Gettin' some?

getting money or making a lot of money

Me: Hey boy wyd yesterday?

Him: Nothing I was gettin some coins
Me: Aye dws!

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Gettin' some - video


Gettin' some - what is it?

when you and yo niggas are out painting yall is gettin' some

ayo peper and glock from grk are gettin' some

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What does "Gettin' some" mean?

When your high as fuck and need to sit down outside for a few mins

Q:Why ain't you workin dude A:just gettin some air bra

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Gettin' some - what does it mean?

Getting revenge. Paying someone back for what they did to you.

I ain't forget about Vonda's li'l ass! I'm gettin some get back for what she did to my nails!

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Gettin' some - meaning

having sexual intercourse with a rich, stuck-up and/or white bitch.

Yo yo yo yo man, I got some poodle last night.

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Gettin' some - definition

Gettin' some head is a slang meaning getting your genIraks sucked by someone else. To put it gently, it means getting a blow job. It

A look, he's gettin' some head
B Jesus, by Cindy? He's so lucky

A I know right,

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Gettin' some - slang

1. The first single off Shawnna's second solo album.

2. The funniest song we've heard in a long time.

I was gettin some head, gettin gettin some head.
I was with the kinda girl dat make yo toes curl.

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Gettin' some

Definition: -Morely to have someone suck on the genitals of someone who likes it being done to them.-

Example:A guy says:"I wus gettin some head" last night from this honey around the way"

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Gettin' some

Arriving on the green in regulation of any given hole while playing golf. Evolved from 'being on the dance floor,' to 'you're dancin,' to 'you're Ted Dansen,' to 'Gettin' gettin' some Ted!' Best used in team play to inform your partner of your status, works best when money is invloved, and when sung to the harmony of the song "Gettin' Some (Head)" by artist Shawnna.

On a Par 5, you're partner is only within shouting distance of you. Your third shot sticks on the green, awarding you a point in your bet with the other team. You proclaim that you are 'Gettin' some Ted' while you dance around your opponent, and loud enough so your teammate in the other cart can engage in the same behavior, demoralizing your opponents.

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Gettin' some

made famous by rappers, the most popular release by Shawnna. "gettin some" refers to recieving oral sex. The song makes for a good club song, in some cases can make women's clothes fall off faster than tequila

"I was gettin some head, gettin gettin some head. I was gettin some head, gettin gettin some head"

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