Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Gay Marriage?

A matrimonial union between two people of the same sex. Not a mockery of marriage because it implies a loving relationship between — and listen to these words closely — TWO. CONSENTING. ADULTS. If you honestly think that the next step is going to be bigamy, beastiality, or pedophilia, then you're really off your rocker because none of these things involve all three of those three words. Maybe you can make a case for incest, but that's more often practiced in the Bible Belt between straight people, anyway.

Ironically, the American state with the lowest divorce rate is Massachusetts, the center of gay marriage land; followed by Connecticut, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and New York. The American state with the highest divorce rate? Nevada, with Oklahoma, Tennessee, Wyoming and Indiana rounding out the bottom five.

That's right, the holier-than-thou Bible Belt has the highest divorce rates in the country, while the liberal Northeast has the lowest. Suck it dry, neocons.

👍2115 👎1091

Gay Marriage - video

Gay Marriage - what is it?

A union between two men or two women, allowing them to have the exact same set of legal rights as those possessed by heterosexual spouses. These include rights such as hospital visitation. A step beyond civil union, gay marriage will at last give LGBT partners the security that every family, whether m/f, m/m, or f/f, deserves.

Since gay marriage was approved in my state, I am now allowed to visit my husband when he is sick in the hospital.

👍5879 👎2327

What does "Gay Marriage" mean?

A completely reasonable thing. People who believe gay marriage is 'wrong' and 'unholy' are just stupid. It's two people loving each other, what's wrong with that? Marriage WAS the union of a man and a woman. WAS. Now that it is more socially acceptable to be openly homosexual, of course that will change.

People who think that gays can 'turn back straight', let's see you turn gay if it's that simple. No. You can't. Whatever sexuality you are, you were born that way. Gays may bow to social pressure and date men or women (respectively), but that doesn't mean they don't know what they feel.

The point, is that they love the person they love. There are plenty of people who are openly bisexual and homosexual, and many of them are married if it's legal where they live. It should be legalized so that everyone has equal rights.

"Did you hear? Miranda and her partner are protesting to legalize gay marriage! That's just sick."

"You're sick, bigoted asshole."

👍79 👎73

Gay Marriage - what does it mean?

The union in marriage of two homosexual individuals. It is illegal in many places around the world, including thirteen US states.

8 Reasons to Oppose Gay Marriage:

1. Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.
2. Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behaviour. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.
3. Straight marriage has been around for a long time and hasn't changed at all like many of the principles upon which this great country was founded; women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is still illegal.
4. Straight marriage will be less meaningful is gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of marriages like Britney Spears' would be destroyed.
5. The only valid marriages are those which produce children. Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to marry because are orphanages aren't full yet, and the world needs more children.
6. Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.
7. Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we have only one religion here in the United States.
8. Children can never succeed without both a male and female role model at home. That's why we, as a society, expressly forbid single parents to raise children.

👍39 👎21

Gay Marriage - meaning

When two people of the same gender become one in holy matrimony. There's nothing wrong with it, but some people believe that it's wrong or that they are trying to get attention. They aren't. It's not a choice. Who would choose a harder life?

You don't have to be an animal to support animal rights, so you don't have to be gay to support gay marriage.

👍51 👎23

Gay Marriage - definition

The right thing to do; an idea Jesus would have supported.

Radical Right Christian: Man gay people suck.
Jesus: No, God created us all equal and loves us all in our true forms. It's more important that we love each and respect each other than try and tear each other down for our God-made differences.
Then the Radical kills Jesus for "not believing his own teachings."

👍1349 👎1049

Gay Marriage - slang

Why the fuck does anyone even care as long as they are happy? How does it affect you at all?

Gay Marriage should definitely be legal.

👍449 👎317

Gay Marriage

Something that should be legal because as long as it doesn't intefer with your life (which it wouldn't) you shouldn't be concerned with it. God loves all his children and that is a fact, but what is not a fact is that NO WHERE in the bible does it SAY "Gay marriage is wrong". Get over yourself uber-conservatives. Let people live their lives, and though I am in fact straight I think gays should be able to be happy.

I'm a priest and totally against the marriage between two men and two women, yet I molest little boys like it's my job!

👍817 👎575

Gay Marriage

Okay. Let me clear up some confusion. There is NOTHING wrong with being Gay and there is nothing wrong with Gay Marrige. If two gays wanna marry, who fucking cares? Don't tell me that "It violates the saintity of marrige". Does marriage always seem like a gift from god? What about Las Vegas? You can get married there for like $20!! There is no "choice" in being gay and people don't become gay because they were brought up the wrong way. Also, gays can't just "switch back to being straight". If they can then why can't striaghts just switch to being gay. I bet $500 no of these Bush-Worshipping Motherfuckers have never even MET a gay person!!!!

Theses guys fucking piss me off! And no, I'm not gay, but I have a few gay friends and don't see why everyone hates them so much.

👍1087 👎773

Gay Marriage

Gay marriage is a bond of love between two men or two women, but it is also hospital visitation rights, social security benefits, health insurance, retirement savings, family leave, home protection, pensions, and more. Everybody deserves these rights.

You can’t help your sexuality any more than you can help your race, age, or gender. People are born gay. Why in the world would anybody choose to be gay?? It’s not like the little boy or girl sitting in class contemplating their sexuality is thinking “hmm, I wonder what I can do to make people beat me up more and exclude me.” It’s ISN’T FUN being a minority. It ISN’T FUN being ridiculed and hated constantly, feeling left out, not being able to express your feelings in public, getting beat up, having people call you names, feeling unsafe… if sexuality was a choice, nobody would choose to be gay. But it isn’t a choice; it’s natural. There’s even evidence that it’s genetic. And if people are born gay, then gay marriage isn’t going to make straight people gay, so there’s no need to worry about the human race ending. Think about it.

And despite a little concept called ‘separation of church and state’ people want to bring the bible into this, huh? Well did you know that in the bible, there are more references apposing heterosexuality than there are apposing homosexuality? It’s true. So if you can say you don’t agree with gay marriage because the bible says it’s wrong, then I could say I don’t agree with straight marriage because the bible shows says it’s worse!

Another thing the bible teaches is ACCEPTANCE and LOVE. You don’t have to agree with homosexuality, but at least accept it. Because some people are gay, and nobody can do anything to change that. Even denying the right to marriage won’t make homosexuals disappear. If anything, it will make us stronger and more vocal in the community. So if you want us to leave you alone then allow gay marriage, because we’re not shutting up until we get equality. And no, civil unions are NOT equal to marriage. The idea of “separate but equal” just doesn’t work. Just look at race or gender.

Gay marriage isn’t going to “convert” or “recruit” people to the “gay side”. It isn’t going to weaken the society, or threaten the so-called sanctity of marriage (two thirds of marriages end in divorce. Britney Spears was married for 48-hours. What sanctity??). Gay marriage will simply show that discrimination is unjust. Acceptance and tolerance are inarguably positive concepts to promote. Without acceptance and tolerance, there would still be slavery, and women would not be able to vote or work.

Discrimination based on a person’s sexuality is no different than discrimination based on a person’s gender, race, religion, appearance, age, physical ability, etc. It all boils down to hating someone because they are different than you. Put yourself in the shoes of the minority. Think about what it would feel like to be denied hospital visitation, social security benefits, health insurance, retirement savings, family leave, home protection, pensions, and more.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, people. Let’s not deny anyone those rights.

Marraige = 1 love + 1 love. Period.

👍649 👎425