Definder - what does the word mean?

What is GANGERS?

1. A Gangster 2. A Utah Ninja Psychiatrist's way of saying gangster. 3. A Black man or group of black men on TRAX waiting to be taught a lesson by said utah ninja psychiatrist.

"Warning to all you Fu**ing ganger retards, sometimes a white late 20's guy does have the training to beat the sh*t out of f**k off you retards on TRAX."

👍75 👎211

GANGERS - meme gif

GANGERS meme gif

GANGERS - video


GANGERS - what is it?

1. testicles

Suck my gangers you cunt!

👍39 👎55

What does "GANGERS" mean?

A ganger is a girl who dresses like a gangster but still feminine. They will often be found in quantities and only on their own when trying to meet up with other gangers.

Hey, check out those gangers!

👍65 👎141

GANGERS - what does it mean?


oh sally 's a bloody ganger

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GANGERS - meaning

A ganger both a formal and slang term meaning the head or supervisor of a small unit or "gang" of labourers, often unskilled or unqualified, such as the Navvies (Navigational Engineer in PC English) dating from the times of the Canals and Great Railways in the United Kingdom.
Referenced in song by the immortal Dominic Behan ballade "MacAlpine's Fusiliers" with the verse:

"I've worked till the sweat near had me beat with Russian, Czech and Pole,
At shuttering jams up in the Hydro Dams, or underneath the Thames River in a hole,
I grafted hard and I got me cards and many a ganger's fist across me ears.
If you pride your life, don't join, by Christ, with McAlpine's Fusiliers."

References: Native UK English speaker and Anglo-Irish-Hiberno-musicologist (author)
Formal literature: Journal article Mr. Walter G. Cocks, Member, "NOTES ON THE MAINTENANCE OF PERMANENT WAY." in ""Civil Engineering" 1911:"A Bad Top: -this is generally the result of slack joints, which can be caused by bad or insufficient packing, weakness in fish plates, loose fish-bolts, etc., to remedy which necessitates constant attention on the part of the maintenance gangs, the results depending on the intelligence possessed by the GANGERS.

"I've worked till the sweat near had me beat with Russian, Czech and Pole,
At shuttering jams up in the Hydro Dams, or underneath the Thames River in a hole,
I grafted hard and I got me cards and many a ganger's fist across me ears.
If you pride your life, don't join, by Christ, with McAlpine's Fusiliers."

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GANGERS - definition

Short for Doppelganger: An exact replica of someone.

That kid looks just like Johnny! A total ganger.

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GANGERS - slang

1.-A very extreme danger. When things get so dangerous they transcend danger and become "Gangster Dangerous"

2.-Danger related to Gangster activity.

"Walking around in south central LA wearing a ku klux mask is very gangerous."

"Licking the pavement while driving at two hundred miles per hour in the wrong lane is a very gangerous thing to do."

"it is very gangerous to wear gang colors in the wrong territory"

👍49 👎31


A ganger is a girl who gets all dressed up to go to the shops, short skirts, big loop earings overdone make up and more than likely under the age of 15.

see also: slut, whore, one who loves the cock.

*spots a girl fitting the description above*

Wow, what a ganger..

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A hot chick who eludes to or is interested in sex with multiple partners, an orgy. A young female who's appearance and/ or behaviour lends itself to an orgy. Someone who looks beautiful but is nonetheless a slut, or who you wished was a slut.

Man, that chick that served me at McDonalds was an absolute ganger!

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a Machinist Mate in the US Navy serving on board a nuclear submarine in the Auxilary Division. He operates and repairs all auxilary mechanical equipment on board the ship, which includes Hydraulic equipment, pnuematic equipment, diesel, AC&R, air regeneration and purifaction, sanitation, potable water, well in sort everything but the main turbines, reactor, and making water. one of the most knowledgeable men on board a submarine.

A-ganger, submarine qualified, forward puke, nose coner. forward engineer.

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