Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Fuck your best friend day?

September 22nd is now national fuck your best friend day You can go up to a friend and ask do they wanna fuck or something

National fuck your best friend day means you are able to fuck your bestie for the whole day of september 22 aka a whole 24hrs

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Fuck your best friend day - video


Fuck your best friend day - what is it?

June 21st. The day when u and your best friend get in bed and you know..fuck


"Its National Fuck your best friend day!!! Get on the bed"

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What does "Fuck your best friend day" mean?

Beat the absolute fuck out of your best friend on April 19th

I can’t wait for National beat the living fuck out of your best friend day!

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Fuck your best friend day - what does it mean?

September 15th national fuck your best friend day

"Hey bro you wanna smash"
"Its national fuck your best friend day"

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Fuck your best friend day - meaning

November 27th

Hey bestie you wanna fuck ? It’s national fuck your best friend day!

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Fuck your best friend day - definition

On June 23th you have permission to fuck any of your best friends weather they be male, female, non binary, trans female or trans male, ECT.

You can go up to your best friends and say "its national fuck your best friend day" and they have to let you smash and the same goes to you.

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Fuck your best friend day - slang

A day where your best friend cant say no to have sex gay, and straight

John: Hey best friend
Ashley: Hey whats up?
John: Its National Fuck your Best friend day
Ashley: Ok lets do it

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Fuck your best friend day

National fuck your friend day is a day meant for you and best friend of other gender to have some fun. June 19

Let’s fuck are best friends . Man my bf has the best dick. Yea National fuck your best friend day

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Fuck your best friend day

May the 20th, is fuck your best friend day

Me "hey wanna fuck"
Bestfriend "I'm your best friend that would be weird "
Me "No it's may 20th, national fuck your best friend day

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Fuck your best friend day

This is the day where you and your best friend fuck

April 23

Hey have you heard it’s international fuck your best friend day

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