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What is Frat Rat?

A girl who goes around to every frat house not only sucking but swallowing the semen from every male in site. This girl doesn’t even need her kitty played with to have fun as she enjoys viciously sucking the soul out of every person with a penile.

“Hey John did you see that girl kaitlyn sucked off 66 guys this semester?”
John: “Yeah man isn’t she a frat rat?”

👍25 👎11

Frat Rat - video


Frat Rat - what is it?

A trashy member of a college fraternity who has no boundaries nor regard for people, property, morals, or rules

Get out of my dorm you filthy Frat-Rat!!

👍37 👎37

What does "Frat Rat" mean?

Any member of a college social fraternity. Usually derogatory.

#1: I heard John joined SigApes.
#2: Yeah, he's become a frat rat.

👍77 👎191

Frat Rat - what does it mean?

1. A greek system leech. Someone male (could be female) who is not an actual member of a particular Frat, but comes to every Fratty Function anyways. Most often these people wouldn't be accepted by the frat anyways and no one really wants them around.

FrattyFrat #1: So you think John's showing up tonight?
FrattyFrat #2: Dude, when doesn't that Frat Rat show up?
FrattyFrat #1: Shit... oh well, lets go rape some high school girls.

👍181 👎289

Frat Rat - meaning

a girl who spends so much time at a particular frat that she is practically a member. a girl of bro status who has been accepted by the brothers of a fraternity as one of their own.

don't mind her, she's just here broing out, being her standard frat rat self.

👍95 👎119

Frat Rat - definition

a girl that whores herself at a frat any day of the week...for free.

a frat rat is a slut, paris hilton, briana hilton who will suck off pretty much anyone

👍79 👎83

Frat Rat - slang

A female who goes after frat boys like a rat looking for food.

Frat guy: woah that chick sav. Loves all the frats! She's a total frat rat dude!

👍39 👎13

Frat Rat

A licentious girl who tends to spend copious amounts of time at a fraternity looking for ”frat guys” to pound her in ways that are illegal in most conservative states.

1. Kristen M. at Purdue University

2. Frat Meathead 1: Yo Brah, that Sarah has been shaking around here brah.
Frat Meathead 2: Yeah man, that girls a frat rat … brah.

👍191 👎69

Frat Rat

A girl that spends exorbiant amounts of time at a frat house, usually with the intent to slut it up with one or more of the fraternity brothers.

A girl that fucks a different frat guy every week.

1. Michelle S. at Illinois State University

2. Frat guy 1: "Man that chick is over here doing a different brother every week!"
Frat guy 2: "Yeah dude. She's a frat rat."

👍557 👎163

Frat Rat

Some one who is known for sleeping with many guys in the same fraternity.

"Hey Frat Rat, can i be next?"
"what the hell are you talking about?"
"I've heard you've slept with every guy in this Frat."

👍61 👎39