Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Force feed?

The act of sending the same definition to Urban Dictionary repeatedly with minimal editing in the hopes of it getting accepted.

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Force feed - video


Force feed - what is it?

The act of intentionally expelling explosive gas into the cushions of your friends couch, making sure not to move or shift your buttocks before you are confident that the odor has been fully absorbed into the fibrous layers of the couch.

After painfully holding back, Bart resorted to FORCE FEEDING THE FUTON while maintaining uninterrupted conversation at the interview for the job he currently holds.

👍57 👎35

What does "Force feed" mean?

The act of feeding ones enlarged member into an unwilling recipients mouth.

After force feeding her my cock, I use it as a serving utensil to spoon the cum from her face to her mouth.

👍29 👎21

Force feed - what does it mean?

when a guy doesn't let a girl up from giving head when he cums.

"dont stop or Ill force feed you"

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